SHANE. Kace had become the most important thing in my life. In many respects, Kace had become my life. For me to admit Kace’s importance was simple and second nature. Two years ago, I suspect it would have been impossible for me to admit. Now, however, I didn’t hesitate. Now that I had had Kace in my life, to imagine not having her made me feel extremely uneasy.
I wasn’t simply attracted to Kace. I felt as if I needed her. Merely having her accompany me in life provided me with a feeling of completion. Similar, I suppose, to concluding a long journey.
Kace made me stop. Stop wanting. Stop wondering. Stop looking. Stop thinking. Stop running.
And begin.
Living, breathing, and being.
I didn’t feel an attraction to her because she’d been in an abusive relationship. I didn’t feel as if I had rescued her either. I truly believed I opened her eyes and provided her with ideas of what her options were. I loved Kace because she was genuine. I loved Kace because she was a beautiful person.
I loved Kace because she was Kace.
“A list, huh?” I chuckled as I pulled a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
“I’m serious. I brought it home with me. I put a lot of thought into it,” she paused and waited at the end of the kitchen countertop.
“I wasn’t laughing at your list, babe. I was laughing because you’re so fucking adorable. You’re different than any other girl I’ve ever known. At least after leaving Buster, you aren’t afraid to say what you think. I like it. I like you,” I said as I walked her direction.
“Well, you want to go over it?” she asked as she pulled a folded sheet of yellow paper from her purse.
“Absolutely, let’s go in the living room,” I said as I walked past her.
She kicked her heels off onto the kitchen floor and ran past me as I walked to the couch. She bounced into the chair on the opposite side of the couch and unfolded the sheet of paper.
“You don’t want to sit together?” I asked as I sat down on the couch, patting the cushion beside me with my hand.
“Nope. I want to sit here and watch you while we talk,” she bounced excitedly in the cushion as she spoke.
“Okay, let’s get to it,” I responded as I took a sip of water from the bottle.
“Okay, here’s what I would want to be in a perfect relationship with you. I want to know if these things are okay with you, not okay, or something we could discuss. Some are really important, and some not as much. I decided we need to get this out of the way,” she flipped her hair over her shoulders and stretched the wrinkles from the paper.
“What if I take exception to something?” I asked, more jokingly than serious.
“Well, depending on what it is, we’ll address it at the time, but be honest,” she nodded her head sharply as she finished the sentence.
“Promise?” she turned her head slightly and smiled.
“Totally,” I responded.
“Okay, here we go,” she paused.
“I like to cook. You and Ripp like to eat out. I want to cook at least five meals a week at home, and I want you to eat them. You don’t have to like them, but no throwing food at me, screaming at me about what I cook, and no telling me I’m stupid for cooking something you don’t like. I know you want to eat healthy food, and I will take it into consideration. I like healthy too. Yes or no,” she looked up from the paper.
“Is that how we’re going to do this? Yes or no?” I asked as I placed the water on the end table beside the couch.
She tapped her hand once on the arm of the couch.
I shook my head and smiled.
This woman makes me fucking happy.
“Yes,” I said.
“Okay. Next one. I want to wash my own car. I don’t want you washing it. You can drive it or whatever, because we’re a couple. But I want to wash it,” she looked up and into my eyes as she finished reading.