I had been raised under the thumb of my overly protective police officer father, and never allowed to live life with the feeling of being free. Everyone I dated, hung out with, or even had a cup of Starbuck’s coffee with was placed under a microscope and examined. None stood up to his expectations, and if I didn’t remove them from my life, he made their lives so difficult they decided to leave on their own.
Going to college was the best thing to ever happen to me, and although the campus was only forty miles away from my parent’s home, I opted to stay in the housing immediately off campus, claiming the drive back and forth from their house was more than I could handle when combined with my homework.
I could never decide for sure which it was, but either my hatred toward my father’s strict rules, the fact he was a cop, or my mother’s subservient nature caused me to have a desire to only date bad boys, and the older the better as far as I was concerned. Until I had spent some time talking to Avery, I never really considered a biker, and typically migrated toward military men.
My first three years of college were spent with a former Marine ten years older than me who was the most controlling, overly abusive, and mentally exhausting prick to ever walk this earth. Even though we broke up six months prior, he insisted on kicking my door in every time he got drunk and all but raping me upon entering the house. Finally, after beating the girl he had as a side piece for our entire relationship, he was arrested and thrown in jail for battery and domestic abuse.
Now free of his grasp, I felt a need to spread my sexual wings, and see what else the world had to offer. A relationship was the furthest thing from my mind, considering my difficulties with Kyle. I wanted a bad boy, sans the abusive behavior. I’d seen the Sinners in the town I lived in on a daily basis for the last three years, and although I viewed them as the baddest of bad boys, I hadn’t really looked at any of them as a viable option until recently. Avery’s explanation of the club, the men, and their loyalties sparked my interest; and Biscuit’s arrival in the bar with Otis couldn’t have come at a better time. Now half-drunk, horny as hell, and standing in Biscuit’s living room, I wondered if I had possibly let my alligator mouth overstep the abilities of my hummingbird ass.
Standing on one side of the island in his kitchen while he stood on the other, I watched his mouth move as he spoke. The words he spoke made very little sense; it seemed my mind’s focus was on his lips and beard. He’d claimed in the bar that he had a six inch tongue, and when I questioned him later, he said he knew how to use it quite well. I’d never considered myself to be one of the women who was intrigued or turned on by beard porn, but with him standing a few feet from me, each minute that I spent studying him caused me to be more and more attracted to the thought of him licking my pussy – something Kyle had never done. As he finished saying whatever it was he said; he began to laugh.
Naturally, I laughed in return.
“So, what do you think?” he asked.
I think I have no idea what you just said, that’s what.
I grabbed the bottle of beer and squeezed it in my hand. It was luke-warm and not of any interest to me. I released the bottle, inched a little closer to the island and grinned as I lowered my hand to my waist.
“I think my leg itches,” I said as I bent down slightly.
He stood on one side of the kitchen, and I stood on the other. Hidden from his view by the island in front of me, I slid my finger beneath the fabric of my shorts and along my pussy – just to check.
Holy shit, I’m soaked.
Attempting to hide the joy of finding my wet pussy, I reached for the beer with my left hand and lifted it to my not so willing lips. As I drank the warm filth, I scratched the inner part of my thigh and raised my right hand to the bar.
“Probably a fuckin’ mosquito. They’re bad this summer,” Biscuit said.
All I saw was tongue.
“So is your tongue really six inches long?” I asked.
He wiped his hand along his beard and stretched his jaw a few times, opening his mouth wide as he did so. A few seconds later, he stuck out his tongue. If he so desired, it appeared he could lick his eyebrows with it. After twirling it in a circle and curling the tip of it while holding the remaining five inches still, my mind wandered away to all of the possibilities. I imagined him bringing me to climax with it.
My knees buckled slightly.
“Oh my,” I sighed.
“Wanna try it out?” he asked as he shrugged his shoulders slightly.
Do I ever…
Incapable of speaking, I simply nodded my head.
“Go into the living room and lie down on the couch,” he said as he pointed toward the room behind me.
All I heard was lie down.
I turned toward the living room, walked briskly to the couch, and flopped onto my back. As my head rested into the rather comfy decorative pillow, I bent my knees and rested my feet against the cheeks of my butt. In hindsight, I probably looked like an overeager prostitute.
“You might want to take them shorts off,” he said as he walked into the room.
I rolled off the couch and removed my shorts and panties with one good tug. Still wearing a shirt and bra, but not really worried about anything but feeling his tongue inside of me, I jumped back onto the couch and made myself comfortable.
“Where do you want me?” I asked.