Page 138 of S is for SEX

“Right there’s fine,” he responded as he knelt down beside me.

“Now you ain’t gonna freak out and start comin’ by here odd hours of the night or anything are ya?” he asked.

“Not a chance,” I responded as I shook my head from side-to-side.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Promise,” I responded.

“Deal,” he said as he placed his hand against my inner calf.

As he pulled my leg to the side, I closed my eyes and waited. His soft beard slowly slid along my inner thighs and toward my embarrassingly wet pussy. As the tip of his tongue lightly touched my pussy lips, my entire body tingled and I almost sprung from the couch.

“You’re fucking soaked. Were you standing in the kitchen thinking about this?” he asked.

I nodded my head.

Please, please, do that again.

The tip of his tongue slowly began to work its way from the bottom of my pussy to the top, stopping at my clit each time. After flicking against my clit a few times, he’d start over. With my eyes closed, my ass pressed into the couch, and my pussy against his face, I slowly slipped into some weird sexual bliss.

As I focused on his very predictable pattern of licking, he stopped.

“Ready?” he asked.

Having no idea what he was asking, but ready for whatever it was he was willing to offer, I responded, “Uh huh.”

I wasn’t.

I wasn’t even close.

No one could have prepared for what he did.

He shoved his tongue deep inside of me. With it fully inserted into my vaginal cavity, he curled the end of it, flicking it against my g-spot. With each flick of his tongue, my body went into shock. After three or four flicks, my eyes opened wide and I prepared to explode.

“Oh my…” I wailed.

He raised his hand in the air to silence me, but never stopped doing what he was doing.

As he steadily fucked me with his thick tongue and tortured my g-spot with the tip, I wondered if there was any way I could convince him to be my boyfriend. If there was a heaven, and I had never been quite sure there was, I was now in it and a few seconds from meeting God.

I stared at the ceiling, arched my back and bit my lower lip.

My body began to convulse into the craziest feeling I had ever felt. To describe it as an orgasm wouldn’t do it justice; I had orgasms a thousand times, and this wasn’t one of them. It was more like an experience than a feeling. As I bucked my hips and released my lower lip, I began to wail.

As my cries increased in volume, he moaned into my pussy as if to encourage me to continue.

The tip of his tongue continued to stroke my g-spot as he tongue fucked me into a state of semi-consciousness. I bellowed out into the room as my body shook and my mind attempted to catch up to the feeling inside of me.

In and out his tongue worked.

Up and down my hips bucked.

Chills ran throughout my body and caused every muscle I had worked so many years to develop to contract and release repeatedly. Roughly four orgasms into the ordeal, I opened my eyes and let out a blood curdling scream.

The orgasm that every other orgasm in the future would be compared to.

I collapsed onto the couch and closed my eyes, slightly embarrassed at my screaming.