Page 46 of S is for SEX

In complete shock, I stared at the screen.

It didn’t get any easier to watch. I simply couldn’t believe my eyes. In a million years, I never would have guessed he’d be doing what he was doing with who he was doing it with. I felt betrayed.

Kind of.

Maybe inferior was a more accurate description.

Les began to buck his hips wildly, forcing his cock deeper and deeper. His eyes opened and he looked down. “Suck that cock, you submissive little bitch,” he growled.

I stared at the screen in disbelief.

Holy shit. That’s a damned good blowjob.

Yes. I felt inferior.

I shifted my attention from the screen to the three men. With wide eyes and open mouths, they stared back at me for a split-second.

“Shut down screen seven,” the one who was standing said.

“Leave it on,” I said.

“Shut it down,” he repeated.

“Leave it on.” I pulled the door closed behind me. “I want to watch.”

“Seriously?” the one closest to the door asked.

“Yeah.” I motioned toward the screen and wedged my way between the two men who were seated. “Leave it on.”

“You really want to watch it?”

I shrugged. “While he’s doing this, I got nothing better to do.”

I felt guilty for a second, but only a really short second. After all, it was a set for a reality show, and for Les to think for one minute that each and every room wasn’t being watched by the film crew would be foolish.

And, what I was seeing was a huge dose of reality.

I fixed my eyes on the screen. Les pulled his cock free and began to stroke it with his hand. “I’m going to come all over your face.”

“Oh God. Please.”

“Not now,” Les said. “Only after I fuck that tight little ass of yours. Bend over the bed, bitch.”

“You’re finally going to give it to me?”

“I told you earlier I was going to fuck that ass, and now I’m going to. While she’s sleeping.”

Les’ thick cock was as hard as a rock. Clenched tight in his fist, it looked impressive, and every bit of eight inches long.

I glanced at my wrist, and then back at the screen.

Les had a very pretty cock.

“So, you didn’t know?” the man on my left asked.

With my eyes still glued to the screen, I shook my head. “No clue.”

“None?” the man behind me asked. “I mean; you didn’t even wonder?”