Page 45 of S is for SEX



Angry at Kelli and what she represented, I’d spent a good part of the afternoon in hiding, and the most recent portion sleeping. I realized after my late afternoon nap that if I was going to make it through to the end of the show I would need to find a way to keep her and her attitude from getting on my last nerve.

Now wandering through the house looking for Les, I was hoping I could talk him into going for a ride on the bike – or maybe having a drink or three – to forget about Kelli and her shitty attitude.

“Have you seen Les?”

Bobby shrugged. “I haven’t seen him in a few hours.”

I yawned and shot him an innocent look. “I just woke up. I knocked on his door and checked out at the pool,” I said. “And his bike is in the garage.”

“Maybe he went for a walk.”

“In those boots?” I wrinkled my nose. “I doubt it.”

“I don’t know. He was talking to Randy a few hours ago, and I haven’t seen him since.”

“Who’s Randy?”

“He’s the gaffer.”

“What’s that?”

“Electrician. It’s what we call them.”


“His bike’s still here,” I said. “So at least he didn’t get mad and leave.”

“Not unless he got a ride somewhere.”

“He doesn’t ride in cars, remember?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh. Yeah.”

“If you see him--”

“I’ll tell him you’re looking for him.”

The home we were in was massive and had many bedrooms that we weren’t using. Two of the upstairs rooms were used for production; housing the crew, their equipment, and much of the electrical wiring, switches, and sound equipment. Although I hadn’t looked in that particular area for Les, I felt no need to.

After scouring the house one more time and finding no clue as to where he was, I realized asking the production crew was the only option I had left.

I went upstairs, down the hallway, and walked up to the door. Beyond the walls, I heard at least two men whispering and laughing. I pressed my ear to the door.

“Holy shit. Now that is sucking a dick. Jesus. All the way to the balls. Look at that,” one of them said.

“I call that a face fucking,” the other said. “I had a girl in college that could take a cock down her throat like that.”

“I can’t believe--”

Half infuriated that they were sitting in their little production room watching old footage of me sucking Rhett’s cock, and half aggravated that I had sucked it in the first place, I pressed my shoulder to the door and shoved it open.

Three men – two who were sitting, and one who was standing – all shot me a surprised look at the same time.

The makeshift desk behind them was covered in sound equipment, wires, and switches. Above all of that were several monitors. On one of them – much to my surprise – Les stood with his pants around his ankles and his shirt on the floor beside him. Engrossed in the blowjob he was getting, his back was arched, his eyes were closed, and his cock was sliding back and forth past the lips of the person on their respective knees in front of him.