Page 400 of S is for SEX

As I got to the front door and opened it, I could see him through the windows of the car. It was a black BMW M3. I looked at the back of the car for the badge of my father’s dealership, but I did not see one. I reached for the passenger door, and I noticed him lean over and open it for me. As the door came ajar, I finished opening it and got in.

“Good evening, Kelli,” he smiled as he spoke. He smelled so good.

“Good evening. First things first. What are you wearing?”

“Jeans, black leather shoes, and a grey V-neck tee,” he responded, motioning to his clothes with his right hand.

“No, the cologne. It’s wonderful.”

“Oh, I see. Yves St. Laurent, L’Homme.”

“Well, whatever it is, I love it.”

“Buckle your seatbelt, Kelli. And thank you,” he said as he pulled away from the curb.

As I buckled my seatbelt, I studied him. He was focused on the road and speeding up slowly, shifting gears with the paddle shifters on the steering wheel. I had seen enough of these cars in my father’s dealership to know what he was doing and what this car was capable of doing. It was basically a race car for the street - and fairly expensive for a guy who lives in a shitty house in Bel Aire.

His jaw was tight as he drove. His strong chin slightly lifted and with his hands tight on the wheel, his biceps flexed each time he turned the steering wheel or shifted. I was becoming lost in watching him. Watching him just drive was enough to satisfy me. I didn’t know what he was doing to me, but he was doing it really well.

“So, what are we doing, Erik?” I asked as I watched him turn the corner.

“We’re getting to know each other, Kelli. We’re beginning a relationship that will consist of a friendship with sex, but no commitment on either of our parts to be in love with the other person. In this relationship, sexually speaking, I will be dominant and you will be submissive. And Kelli, I will fuck you within an inch of your respective life.” He turned and smiled as he said the last part.

His smile and the direct gaze in my direction lingered for a long moment. I began to feel hot. I started to feel an aching in my groin, and I quickly remembered that I was not wearing panties. I started to daydream about having him force me to my knees and talking dirty to me.

“So, uhmm, what was the deal with the questions?” I asked, turning to him to see his expression.

“Which questions, Kelli?”

“Well, let’s go with the grapefruit and stuff first,” I responded.

As he sped up through the traffic, he began to speak. “Those, Kelli were just a series of questions I asked you to allow me to understand about what type of person you are without spending a month or two doing so. Believe it or not, they tell me a lot about who you are, not so much what you are.”

“The chop sticks. That question tells me whether or not you’re a person that has determination. Whether or not you stick to things and apply yourself, or if you give up and or get bored easy. Most white people are not born with the need to use them, and if they develop a means of doing so, it is because they decided to master the task, and spent the time and effort to do so. If they have mastered it, it means that they’re determined. If they can’t it doesn’t mean they aren’t, but it may. Understand?” He turned to me as he asked the question.

“Yes sir.” The word ‘sir’ just came out so naturally. I didn’t even realize I said it until after it rolled off my tongue. It made me a little uncomfortable knowing and seeing the power this man was going to have over me.

“The grapefruit question. If you haven’t ever eaten one, it wouldn’t mean anything necessarily. This question lets me know if you’re naturally willing to eat something that most people find repulsive. Grapefruits taste sour. They’re somewhat bitter. People that eat them generally eat them because they know that they’re good for them, or because they want to be in good health. It tells me if you’re someone that is willing to, in a sense, make sacrifices for the betterment of yourself. Make sense?” he asked, as he turned toward the parking lot of an outdoor strip center.

I nodded, very intrigued by Erik’s deep mental nature. The fact that he was so much different than anyone else I had ever been around made me want to know so much more about him. He actually thought about what he said and what he was doing instead of just doing and saying things for the sake of doing them. I had never been so intrigued by anyone. I had never wanted to just open someone up and see all that they had to offer as much as I wanted to do with him, regardless of the amount of time that I had been with them. I had been around Erik for two days, and I wanted to spend whatever amount of time was required to get to know him. As I stared at him in admiration, he began to speak again.

“The last question was more obvious. The interracial dating, and with an African American man, let me explain. Most of society, right or wrong, perceives a black man with a white woman as being wrong. I am not saying that it is, I am merely saying that’s the general public’s view. So knowing this, if a white girl has gone on, or will consider going on, a date with a black man shows me, or tells me, that she is open-minded. That she will, regardless of what society thinks, go with what she feels in her heart. That she is open-minded. That she is not easily swayed or convinced to do what society wishes that she do. She is an individual. Understand, Kelli?” he asked as he parked the car in the lot.

I looked around to see for sure where he had taken us to. I had been staring at him during the entire trip and was not certain of where we ended up. I quickly recognized that he had driven to Bradley Fair, which was an open shopping and eating environment that had several nice restaurants and a lake with a walking path. I was surprised that we had arrived here so soon. I felt as if I was in some form of a trance during the trip, because I hadn’t really noticed that we had traveled the ten miles or so to get here from downtown. I was so intrigued by Erik that I had lost all track of time.

“Yes, I understand. I find you to be quite interesting, Erik,” I said as I reached for the door handle.

I found myself, when talking to him, to be more conscious of my words, more conscious of how I said things. Not necessarily what I was saying, but how I said it. He was intelligent, very intelligent, but he did not act like it. He dressed like a younger guy, rode a motorcycle, and tried to speak like he was just one of many men in this city. By just naturally being Erik, he reeked of his intelligence. I felt like such an idiot around him. I tried to choose my words carefully so as not to embarrass him or me. This was so unlike me. I was almost always the smartest person in the room and always the smartest girl. Around him, I felt so small, so vulnerable.

I opened the door and got out. He got out at the same time and leaned over the top of the car, looking at me. As he smiled, I noticed that his face had become more tan, probably from the motorcycle ride all day. His skin was tan, but lacked wrinkles. His face was just like he was; rugged, handsome, intriguing, and gorgeous. I could stare at this guy from now until the end of time.

“Well, what did you decide?” he asked in a raised tone of voice.

“Uhhm, excuse me? About what?” I responded.

“I asked you where you preferred to eat. You stared at me and didn’t respond.”

“Oh, I am sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Or something, I, uhmm, didn’t hear you.” I couldn’t even believe I said that. I sounded like a fool.