Page 305 of S is for SEX

His cock slid from my mouth as he picked me up from the floor.

“You on birth control?” he asked as my feet dangled a foot from the floor.

“Uhhm. Yeah. Yeah, I am,” I responded.

“I get checked once a month, I’m clean. It ain’t gonna feel as good for either of us if I wear a rubber,” he breathed as he started walking toward the kitchen.

“No. No, I uhhm. I want to feel that. Those,” I pointed down at his cock.

“In me,” I sighed in anticipation as he stopped on the tile floor of the kitchen.

He lowered me onto the floor and looked in my eyes almost as if he were going to interrogate me.

“You got any pussy diseases?” he asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

Although I didn’t intend to, I laughed as I started to speak. Quickly, I covered my mouth with my hand, a little embarrassed and fractionally disappointed I was laughing at this point of what was going to be our initial sexual escapade.

“This is serious. I ain’t looking to get any fuckin’ diseases,” he pressed his hands to his hips and cocked one eyebrow.

“I’m sorry. It’s just. Well, it’s tough to take you seriously. You’re huge, tattooed, and bald. And that,” I smiled and pointed at his face.

“That thing you got going on, the hair on your chin. It’s just. You’re like way hot. And you’re standing here naked, except that you’re wearing tennis shoes,” I giggled as I looked from his face to his feet.

“Well again, I sure can’t Chuck Fuck you without ‘em. And they ain’t tennis shoes, they’re Chuck’s,” he said as he grabbed his ankle and raised his foot up to the height of my chest.

“And you didn’t answer my question,” he stood with his ankle in his hand, staring at his shoe.

“Uhhm, no. No pussy diseases. I know you probably think I am a slut, but I’m not. I’ve had sex with two people in my life,” I lied.

I had been with far more than two people, but I didn’t feel a need to be truthful. Not at this juncture. I didn’t want to chance fucking anything up. I stood, stone-faced, and waited as he lowered his foot to the floor.

Nothing. He bought it.

“And I have been checked, because my last boyfriend was a douche. That was over a year ago,” I sighed.

“Well, sounds like we’re good to go,” he clapped his hands and pointed to the countertop.

“Hop up there,” he said as he motioned to the kitchen island.

I turned and looked behind me at the countertop, confused. As I turned to face him, he placed his hands under my armpits and hoisted me onto the island.

“Get undressed and toss one of those legs over my shoulder. I’ll hold you, and then you can throw the other one up here,” he spread his feet to a wider stance and smiled as he patted his shoulder.

“Excuse me? What…uhhm. What are we doing?” I looked down and couldn’t help but smile.

“Chuck Fuckin’. We been over this already,” he shook his head as if I had asked a ridiculous question.

I pulled the straps of my dress over my shoulders and pushed it down my thighs and off my feet. As I unhooked my bra and pulled it off, he smiled and rubbed his hands together. While I pushed my panties down my thighs, he patted his shoulder again.

“Right here, toss your right leg up here,” he held his arms out and bent his knees, lowering his shoulders a little.

As I lifted my right foot over his shoulder, he reached for my left thigh and pulled it toward him. As my foot lifted from the counter and I started to fall backward, he slipped his left hand behind me and against my back to stabilize me. With both thighs over his shoulders and my pussy against his chin, it was now apparent what it was he had planned. As his other hand slid behind me, I sighed.

“I’m gonna suck on your clit and lick your pussy ‘till your good and wet. After you’re soaked, we’ll get to Chuck Fuckin’,” he said as he tilted his head back a little.

“Till I’m soaked?” I whispered.

“Yup,” he nodded.