Page 306 of S is for SEX

“Shouldn’t take long,” I whimpered as I bit my bottom lip and gripped the back of his head with my hands.

“What’s that?” he asked as he started slowly walking across the kitchen floor.

I barely got the word, “Nothing,” out, and he buried his tongue into my pussy.

“Holy shit,” I squealed as his tongue flicked against my clit.

In a predictable but ever so pleasing pattern, his tongue worked from the bottom upward and into my pussy. Gradually he worked his way up and against my clit. As his tongue touched my clit, he flicked the tip against it a few times and then started all over again at the bottom.

“Oh holy…Jesus. I uhhm. Oh God. Oh God,” I mumbled as he licked and nibbled at my wet pussy.

After what was probably a minute at the most, I was done. My legs were shaking uncontrollably, and I had achieved orgasms no less than two times. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as I tried to focus on what I was feeling.

He groaned and moaned as his tongue continued to torture me.

Something about sitting on a man’s shoulders and having him lick my pussy was more than I could take. Coupled with the fact the person doing it was covered in tattoos and had a pierced cock, I was a literal mess of sexually tortured pleasure.

I felt my back slam against the wall and his face press harder into my thighs. His tongue slowly worked into my pussy, up against my clit, and stopped. Between his upper lip and tongue, my clit was now held captive to a humming, groaning, unexplainable vibrating tongue dance I am certain he had spent countless hours perfecting. As I began to reach climax, I felt as if my head were going to explode.

“Oh holy fuck stop. I am so serious. Stop. Oh…no. Fuck,” I opened my eyes and saw spots.



The orgasm continued to shoot through my body as his tongue and lip took ownership of my clit. I closed my spot-filled eyes.

Holy fucking Jesus fucking God. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

A tingling sensation ran from my face to my crotch and up to my nipples. I felt as if I had a thousand feathers tickling me at once. I had no idea of what he was doing to me for certain, but it did not matter. He sure as fuck knew what to do, and he was damned good at it.

“Scrmmm,” his mumbling vibrated against my thighs and pussy.

I opened my eyes and looked down. My entire field of vision filled with grey spots, and my body trembling, I tried to remember how to make my mouth form a legible sound.

“What?” I blurted.

He continued to own my clit.

“Scrmmm,” he grunted.

I may or may not have had another orgasm as he grunted. I closed my eyes and opened them again.


“Whaaaaa?” I shouted.

He pulled his face away from my pussy and looked up into my eyes.

“One more time. And this time, scream when you cum. It’ll feel good,” his lower face covered in cum, he smiled as he spoke.

I generally don’t know very much, and by most peoples accounts I am a dumb blonde, but I knew this much; I needed to buy some time or he was going to kill me. Death by orgasmic pleasure.

“What the fuck are you doing to me?” I looked down and whispered.

“Lickle,” he chuckled.

“Huh?” I muttered as I tried to catch my breath.