This is so exciting.
I ran to the room and shut the door.
I held up the black dress. Black is elegant. Boring. I held up the orange dress. Oh my, this is nice. It’s going to look so good. I got undressed and put on the orange dress and looked in the mirror. I looked fabulous.
Awesome sauce.
If I go out there in this one first, then the black one will be last, and I won’t end it with a bang.
I took the orange dress off and put on the black one. I looked great, but I needed shoes. I opened the closet and dug for my favorite 4” heels. I found the heels and pulled them onto my feet. I stood and looked in the mirror.
Oh wow.
I opened the drawer to my dresser and pulled out my perfume and one of my folded tee shirts. I sprayed the folded tee shirt with perfume, pulled up the dress, and rubbed the tee shirt under my chest.
That ought to do it.
I looked in the mirror and pulled my hair behind my ears the way he likes to see it.
Ok, here we go.
I grabbed the door handle and looked in the mirror.
I look too conservative.
As I turned the door handle, I shook my head and walked out into the living room.
“Don’t move,” he said as soon as I walked out of the bedroom.
“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked, startled.
“Don’t. Kace, don’t move,” he said as he stood up from the couch, “Take a step back by the door.”
“What?” I asked as I stood a few steps into the living room.
“Just back up one or two steps, into the light,” he said as he walked toward the kitchen.
Slowly, I stepped backward two steps.
“Right there, don’t move,’ he said from the edge of the kitchen.
He grabbed his phone and started walking my direction. He stood a few feet in front of me and held his phone in front of him, looking at the screen. As I stood there smiling, he took a few pictures of me with his phone. He looked at the phone, scrolled through the pictures, and knelt down closer to the floor.
He took another picture and looked at the phone, “Perfect.”
“Kace, you’re as beautiful of a human being as has ever existed. Looking at you is proof there is a God, he pays attention to his work, and he appreciates it. I wonder what I have ever done to deserve having the ability to just come home to you every day,” he said as he stood and stared at the screen of the phone.
“Look at this,” he said as he held his phone in front of my face and stepped beside me.
I looked at the screen. The girl looking back at me was beautiful. Her hair was blonde and healthy looking. Wearing a new black dress and heels, she looked elegant. Her skin held on to the late summer tan, and was free of blemishes. As I studied the picture I realized Shane had changed me. He had made me confident. He gave me reason to believe I was beautiful. He asked me daily, several times, who’s the most beautiful girl in the world?
He knew what he was doing.
Looking at the screen of the phone, I realized he was right.
I was beautiful.