When she awoke, the room was empty. Although this was unlike Dent, she wasn’t surprised. She expected that she may have slept for a considerable amount of time, and maybe the boys had left and gone to the bar.
As she stood, shaky legged and walked to the bathroom, she smiled, thinking of the next time they could fulfill this desire again. She truly felt as if she had used them for her satisfaction, and not vice versa. As she entered the bathroom, she saw a note on the mirror, stuck with soap, and drawn on paper with lipstick. She pulled the note from the mirror and read it.
Fucking slut.
Don’t bother.
As she shook her head and tossed the note into her trash can beside the toilet, she thought to herself.
The next man she agreed to be with would be different. A kind of different that made her feel comfortable. A man like no other.
As she sat and started to pee, she cried.
For the last time.