Page 265 of S is for SEX

TWENTY- FOUR. Nervously, Ryan pulled his car into the driveway and turned off the engine. He leaned over and removed the single rose from the cup of water that he obtained from the coffee shop. As he reached for the door handle, he drew a slow breath through his nose. He then opened the door, stepped from the car, looked up the sidewalk toward the porch, and exhaled.

He walked to the porch. With each step came wonder of the unknown. His apprehension had grown with each passing minute as the afternoon progressed. Part of him wanted for what may develop between him and Meghan to flourish.

By and large, however, he knew that it never could or would.

As he stepped in front of the front door, he leaned forward and pressed the doorbell button. As he waited, he inhaled a slow breath through his nose.

She opened the door.

Dressed in a light blue sun dress and flat sandals, Meghan stood in the doorway. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she looked considerably different than she had at the coffee shop. Ryan shifted his gaze from her face to her feet and back up to make eye contact with her as he held the rose at arm’s length.

“I chose it for the symmetry and color,” Ryan said.

Meghan smiled and accepted the rose. She then stepped aside, making room for Ryan to enter. “It’s beautiful, thank you,”

Ryan nodded and smiled.

“My daughter’s at my mother’s for the week. Just so you know,” Meghan offered as Ryan stepped into the house

As Ryan entered the hallway, Meghan began to walk toward the living room. Naturally, Ryan followed, observing the contents of the home as he did, admiring the simplicity of the Meghan’s choice of decoration. As Meghan stepped in front of the couch, turned and sat down, Ryan stood and stared – uncertain of where he should sit.

Meghan leaned into the cushion of the couch and smelled the rose. “Sit in the chair if it makes you feel more comfortable.”

Attempting to act comfortable, but feeling quite awkward, Ryan lowered himself into the chair at the corner of the living room and faced the couch. “So, it’s three o’ clock now. It will be dinner time soon. Would you like to eat together this evening?”

She nodded. “Maybe. I mean if you really want to. Or I can make something here if we get hungry.”

Meghan stood from her seat. As she stood, Ryan pressed his hands into the arms of the chair and began to stand.

“No, stay comfortable. I’m just going to take this to the kitchen and put in in a vase of water. I’ll be right back. Would you like something to drink?” she asked.

“No thank you.”

As Meghan turned and stepped from the room, Ryan admired her physical features and the fit of her dress. As she walked away from him, he watched the shape of her butt rise and fall through the rear of her dress with each step. The anticipation of something developing sexually between them began to arouse him as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Sitting in the chair waiting, Ryan began to recall what he had seen on-line regarding BDSM sexual scenes. Although he had not physically been with a woman, he had experience at watching the sexual acts between men and women, his focus being BDSM, bondage, and forceful sexual acts. As his mind began to think of Meghan and his involvement with her, he became more aroused and less aware of his surroundings.

“I brought you a bottle of water,” she said.

Startled, Ryan sat up in his chair and began to cross his legs. As he attempted to cross his left leg over his right, he realized he had reached full erection. Immediately, he uncrossed his legs and pressed his knees together. The boxer shorts and slacks he wore provided little if any support for hiding the fact that he was excited, erect, and emotionally ready.

Nervously, he looked up at Meghan.

“I uhmm. Well. Uhmm. Thank you,” he stammered.

She placed the bottle of water on the table beside Ryan’s chair. “Are you alright?”

Meghan, feeling sorrow for what she believed to be Ryan’s uneasy and somewhat nervous nature, noticed his erection as she turned to face him. She considered sitting on the couch, and instead, knelt on the floor beside the front of the chair.

Meghan twisted the lid from her bottle of water. “So, what do you think could develop between us?”

Nervous, Ryan sat forward in his chair, felt immediate discomfort from his erection, and relaxed back into the rear of the seat. As he slumped into the seat, he glanced at his crotch, which now pointed straight up.

“I suppose.” He turned to remove his bottle of water from the table. “That anything is possible. If what you said at the coffee shop was accurate.”

She glanced at his crotch, shifted her eyes to meet his, and cocked an eyebrow. “Quite. Actually, I don’t think I can emphasize it enough. I’m attracted to you. In some weird, sick probably borderline insane way, I feel I can be in a relationship with you without much effort at all.”

“Why do you say in an insane, sick way? What do you mean?” he asked.