Elena chuckled. “What? That didn’t make sense. I’m Mexican, you’re from here. Use your words, Meghan.”
“How come he didn’t just kill us on the street? Or bring us here and kill us? Why didn’t he do that? You think he wants to torture us?” Meghan reasoned.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” Elena stopped and turned to face Meghan. “What you gettin’ at?”
Meghan stood from her seat and slipped her feet back into her sandals. “I’m thinking. Why would a guy pick us all up, bring us here, and then pull us out one at a time to kill us?”
“Because he’s fucking crazy?” Elena answered with a sarcastic tone.
“Didn’t you see Silence of the Lambs? And that Spider movie. Along Comes a Spider? People kill just because. They cut off your hands and toss you in the street. Just because. Because they’re weird. Because their momma didn’t breast feed them. Or their dad spanked them too late in life,” Elena said, her voice conveying her level of frustration.
Meghan shrugged. “No doubt he’s crazy. I just wonder why.”
“Why?” Elena asked. “You think if you figure it out - tell him what you think - and you’re right, that he’ll let you go? He won’t. He’ll cut your throat for bothering him. He’s fuckin’ crazy.”
Meghan shrugged.
Elena sighed. “I’m getting nervous. So, you really got that money? The money you told Dana you had? For taking care of her family?”
Meghan turned toward the bathroom. “Uh huh.”
Elena scoffed. “Don’t sound too convincing to me.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say. Mark inherited it, we divorced, and I got half. It was a pretty simple procedure. I have never remarried or anything.” Meghan finished speaking, turned on the faucet, and rinsed her face in the sink.
As Meghan dried her face, Elena leaned on the doorway of the bathroom. Greed, she began to think, caused and solved many of problems that the world faces today. People are driven by greed to do things they would not normally do.
“So, you think you could buy our way out of this?” Elena asked as Megan hung her towel over the towel bar on the wall.
Meghan wiped her hands on her sweats as she walked toward the doorway. “I don’t know, it’s possible. I suppose it’s worth a try. It sure isn’t going to do me any good if I’m dead. All of this is just, well, weird. I thought after Dana left…I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. I thought after Dana left that this would end. Or it’d never get to us. But he’s going to come back. He is. Over and over. And we’re going to have to kill him or figure out a way to stop him - or change his mind.”
“Now you’re thinking. We have to kill this fuckin’ guy. We do. You and me. Because little miss hueva over here.” Elena motioned toward Shellie. “Isn’t gonna last very long.”
“Ryan’s coming back, and he’s got one more to kill before he starts killing us,” Elena said.
And at that moment, as the two women stared into each other’s eyes, the thought of dying – for the first time, began to become real.