At thirty years old, she’s a real up-and-comer. Her startup could use some help, but luckily I’m more than willing to take it off her hands.
All in all, Leah’s story is impressive.
Even more impressive is her beauty.
For perhaps the dozenth time this morning, my gaze is drawn to the picture of her on my screen. With long red hair, bright green eyes, and a splatter of freckles across her nose, she’s somehow adorably sexy and incredibly cute at the same time.
Sitting back in my chair, I tear my eyes away from the computer. It’s a personal rule that I don’t mix business with pleasure.
Usually, I’m not this tempted. There’s something about Leah, though. Something that pulls me in.
While it’s not the main reason I asked her to have dinner with me, that draw is definitely on the list.
But no matter. I can put my personal proclivities to the side for a while and focus on work. I do it all the time.
And then, after the meeting, I’ll find a way to let off steam. Because I can already tell that Leah’s good looks will have me plenty worked up.
There’s a knock on the door and my CFO, Owen, pokes his head in.
If most people were to open the door without permission, I’d snap at them. Owen is so good-natured, though, that it’s hard to be annoyed with him. Everyone loves the guy.
“Hey, man.” He leans against the doorjamb. “Any news on the GourmetGlobal front?”
“We’re meeting for dinner Friday. There will be a deal by the end of the day Monday.”
“You sure about that?” He cocks an eyebrow. “I looked into Leah Woodland. She sold some shares a few years back, but beyond that it looks like she’s clinging to this app until she dies.”
I shrug and lean back in my chair. “People change. A lot can happen in a few years. And even if she’s not interested in selling, I’m confident I can convince her otherwise.”
He nods, but I can tell he’s still skeptical. “Well, good luck with that, man. I’m rooting for you.”
“Thank you, but I don’t need the luck.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I know you don’t.”
I give him a wink and he disappears back down the hall.
I shake my head and glance back at the picture of Leah on my computer screen. Despite Owen’s reservations, I’m not worried. I’ve been doing this for years, and there’s no one I can’t convince with the right argument.
There’s a reason that I’m at the top of this industry. Leah hasn’t met the full power of my influence, but soon enough, she will.
Give me an hour, and I’ll have the woman eating out of the palm of my hand.
Standing in the mirror in my bedroom, I tug on my tight dress. “You don’t think this is too…”
“What, sexy?” Taylor asks from my tablet, where she’s on a video call, curling her hair. “Do you have something against looking hot as hell?”
I chew my lip. “This is a client dinner.”
“So then why did you pick a dress that makes your ass look so amazing?”
I turn in the mirror and inspect my backside. Good question.
Maybe I wasn’t thinking when I went shopping last night. Instead, I was freaking out, worrying needlessly about this dinner with Jack.