And I don’t know why. It will be a quick and to-the-point meeting. I won’t be selling GourmetGlobal, and that’s that.

“Honestly, he’s wasting his time.” I open my closet doors, looking for something to wear that has more fabric on it.

“Don’t change. You look great. And do you really think a man as successful as him ever wastes his time? He’s gotten to where he is by knowing exactly how best to use every second.”

I glance over my shoulder at her. “What are you saying?”

“I think he’s into you.”

My face warms. “What?! He’s never even met me!”

“I guarantee he’s looked you up.”

“He wants my business. Not me.” I fumble with some heels, dropping one.

“Or maybe he wants both.”

“He doesn’t—” I catch sight of the time. “Oh, shoot. I have to go! I’m running late.”

Even though I wanted to, there’s no time to figure out something else to wear. I was supposed to leave the apartment fifteen minutes ago, but I was too distracted getting ready and talking to Taylor, and now I’m out of time.

I grab my purse and hurry out of the door, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, but there’s something about Jack that makes me feel off-balance. Maybe it’s his reputation as a powerful businessman, or maybe it’s the way he looks at me in the pictures I’ve seen online — like he’s gazing through the lens and right into my soul. Either way, I’m not sure I’m ready for this dinner.

When I arrive at the restaurant, an upscale one with a valet and a security guard, the hostess raises an eyebrow when I give her my name.

“Right this way, Miss Woodland.” She leads me through the main dining room and into a private area that’s tucked away behind curtains.

“I’m the only one here?” I ask.

She smiles slightly. “Mr. Leadsom will be here soon. He asked for us to open a bottle of wine ahead of time.”

As if on cue, a waiter emerges through a door, a bottle in hand. I barely glance at the label before nodding.

As the waiter pours me a glass, I take a seat at the only table in the room and stare out the window at the garden behind the building. This place is swanky as hell, and it’s making me even more nervous.

The waiter and hostess leave, and I inhale a deep breath and smooth down my dress, trying to steady my nerves. It’s just a dinner. I can handle this.

But when Jack walks in the door, my confidence falters. He’s even more handsome in person than in his pictures. Taller. His hazel eyes more piercing. He’s wearing a suit that fits him perfectly, and the sight of him makes my heart race.

“Leah, it’s so good to finally meet you.” He holds out a hand, and I stand up to shake it. But his grip lasts a beat longer than necessary and sends a shiver down my spine.

“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Leadsom,” I reply with a smile.

“Again, please call me Jack.” His voice is smooth and confident.

We sit down, and the waiter pours Jack a glass of wine before bowing out of the room again. I take a sip of my own wine, trying to calm my nerves.

“Thank you for meeting in person.” He leans forward, his gaze fixed on me.

“You were pretty persistent.”

He shrugs a shoulder. Cocky.

But of course he is. The man basically runs this city. I doubt he can even walk down the street without being mobbed.

So it makes sense that we’re tucked away in the back of the restaurant. Maybe he’s not trying to impress me. Maybe he’s just looking for a little peace and quiet.

Instead of looking at the menus we’ve been given, Jack pushes his to the side, his gaze fixed on me. “You are very talented, you know. GourmetGlobal is an incredible app.”