But maybe that’s about to change. Maybe I can build something here, with Taylor and the others. God knows I’ll need it since I’m about to become a mother.

“Thank you,” I say, my voice shaking with emotion. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“I know. But I wanted to.” She flashes me a warm smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Not great.”

I hesitate. I could tell her about the test right now, but it’s still so fresh and I think I might be in shock. Plus, I don’t know what I’ll be doing when it comes to Jack.

And there’s the fact that Taylor and I work together. I trust her to keep my business private, but I don’t want to put her between Jack and me.

“Can I use your bathroom?” She sets her purse on the floor.

“Yeah. Of course.” I’m already in the small kitchen, distracted by the food she brought.

The aroma of the soup fills my nostrils, and I’m grateful for something warm in my stomach. But I’m even more grateful for Taylor’s kindness.

I open the bag and pull out the quart of soup, then get two bowls so we can share.

“Hey, would you like some…” I trail off, the matter of tea suddenly completely unimportant.

Because something else is happening.

Taylor has gone into the bathroom. The bathroom where I left the positive pregnancy test out.

Maybe she won’t see it. Or maybe she won’t even know what she’s looking at.

I bite my bottom lip. Shit.

The bathroom door opens, and Taylor emerges holding the test. “Uh, is this yours?”

I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest. There’s no denying what it is. The pink lines are unmistakable. Taylor’s eyes widen as she realizes what she’s holding.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” she says quickly, handing the test back to me.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, my face hot with embarrassment. “I just found out this morning.”

Taylor’s expression softens, and she places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Congratulations? Or…”

I manage a weak smile. “Thanks.”

We stand there in silence for a moment before Taylor speaks up again. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone. Or—” She quickly corrects herself. “Maybe you aren’t. Um…”

It’s clear that she’s insanely curious, but she also doesn’t want to pry.

Sighing, I take a seat at the kitchen table. “I’m not seeing anyone. It’s from a one-night stand. I guess something was wrong with the condom.”

“Oh my God.” Eyes wide, she takes the other chair. “Are you… are you okay?”

“Yeah.” My laughter is nervous. “I’m actually excited. I mean, it wasn’t planned, of course, but I want this.”

She nods slowly. “And have you told the guy yet?”

“Uh…” I can’t bring myself to look at her. “No. Not yet.”

“Will you?”

Another long pause.