“I don’t know,” I admit, feeling lost. “I mean, it was just a one-night stand. And he’s not exactly father material.”
Then again, do I really know that? Jack might be ruthless in business and an ass to me, but maybe he would be a good father.
I don’t know. This whole thing is so big, and I feel like I don’t have enough info to go off of.
Taylor’s eyes are full of understanding. “I get it. But he has a right to know, right?”
Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She’s right, of course. But the thought of telling Jack makes my stomach churn. I don’t even know how to begin that conversation.
“I know,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m just… scared, I guess.”
Taylor gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Whatever you decide to do, just know that I’m here for you. And I support you no matter what.”
I manage a small smile. “Thanks, Taylor. That means a lot to me.”
“So who is he? Some guy you met at a bar?”
Jack’s cocky, devilish smile flashes in front of me. I swallow against a lump in my throat. “No, we, uh… met somewhere else.”
I flip my wrist dismissively. “He’s a real jerk. Hot… but a real jerk. And I’m pretty sure all he cares about is his work.”
She chuckles. “Sounds like Jack Leadsom.”
I don’t say anything, but my face warms. And in my silence, I understand that I’ve given myself away.
Taylor gasps, her jaw dropping. “Oh my God. No.”
I bite my lip. “Yeah. It’s him.”
She grabs the edge of the table. “But… you… when…” It seems she can’t stop sputtering.
“The night we met,” I whisper. “When we had our meeting so I could tell him in person that I wouldn’t be selling.”
She shakes her head, lost for words.
“I know. It’s crazy. And not like me at all.”
“It’s definitely not like you.” She laughs. “But maybe you’re wilder than I thought.”
I stare at the table. If this is where cutting loose has gotten me, then I’m not sure I’ll ever let my hair down again. I’m happy to become a mother, but the brutal reality is that being a single parent is no walk in the park.
“Even if you don’t tell him, he’ll suspect the baby is his,” Taylor says. “I mean, in a few months you’ll be showing.”
“Yeah,” I slowly say.
There’s a part of me that wishes I never had to see Jack again. That would make everything so much easier.
But I won’t be doing that. I made a promise to myself not to abandon my company, and I won’t be going back on it.
I could act like the baby is someone else’s, but that doesn’t feel right. It also cuts me off from all potential when it comes to Jack.
Because the truth is that maybe he’ll surprise me. Maybe he’ll step up.
“I’ll tell him tomorrow,” I decide, my palms already sweating. “When I’m back in the office.”
Taylor nods, looking like she’s thinking hard. “Can I ask you something?”