“Uh…” I think about it. Technically, I’m done with the day.

There’s more I could do, though. There’s always more I could do.

And it would be nice to show Jack just how hard I can work, to prove to him that I’m a real asset.

But then again, that’s silly. He knows I’m an asset. If he didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

I shouldn’t have to feel like I need to prove myself to him. I shouldn’t care what he thinks.

“A drink sounds great,” I say.

“Really?” Taylor laughs. “I didn’t expect you to say yes.”

“These are desperate times.” I open the door for her.

We head out, passing by Jack’s office. The door is closed, but I can hear him in there, talking on the phone. The sound of his voice sends a little thrill through me.

I bite my lip, wishing I could just reprogram myself so that I’m not attracted to him anymore. Unfortunately, this isn’t a sci-fi movie.

As we walk down the hallway, Taylor turns to me. “How are you holding up?”

I grimace.

“I know.” She checks her lipstick on her phone’s camera as we walk. “But he is brilliant. You have to give him that. I bet he’s right, and he’ll take GourmetGlobal to new heights.”

“And it’ll lose the personal touch it had.”

She gives me a look that almost looks like pity. “Leah. This is the tech world. What else do you expect? If something doesn’t blow up, it fails.”

My heart sinks. “I want to be the exception. I want to do things a new way.”

“I know you do. You’re sweet. Maybe too sweet for this industry.”

Does that mean she thinks I should throw the towel in and quit? What else would I even do? Sell my shares and buy a farm deep in the mountains?

I can’t imagine being anywhere other than Olympus City, unless it’s with my grandparents. And I certainly can’t imagine doing anything else for work.

We step into the elevator, the doors sliding shut behind us.

“Hold the elevator,” a deep, familiar voice calls out.

I tense up as Taylor hits the open button. A moment later, Jack slips into the elevator.

At the sight of me, his eyes widen slightly. He’s good at maintaining a poker face, though, because a second later, he looks completely unaffected.

“Ladies.” He nods at the both of us.

Behind his back, Taylor’s gaze cuts to mine. I can’t tell what she’s trying to convey, but there’s a mischievous look on her face.

And then her eyes dart to Jack’s ass, and she bites her bottom lip.

I freeze.

The doors open, and Jack steps out without so much as a goodbye or a smile. Taylor and I follow but at a slower pace.

The people in the lobby all stop what they’re doing as he passes, either nodding at him or staring in awe.

“Did you see what he’s packing?” Taylor whispers to me.