My face warms. “That’s not very professional,” I chastise.
Neither is sleeping with your boss.
Even though, technically, he wasn’t my boss when we hooked up.
Then again, sleeping with the man who’s trying to acquire your business still isn’t professional. It’s tacky, at the least.
So I’m a hypocrite. Or maybe something worse than that.
Taylor, as per usual, is unfazed. “What good is life if you can’t have a little fun? I’ve heard he’s amazing in bed.”
My face warms as we walk across the lobby. Jack is nowhere to be seen. He must have already slipped out the front doors. “Where did you hear that?”
“Around. A friend of a friend had a fling with him a few years ago. And it’s not exactly a secret that he likes the ladies.”
The embarrassment turns into a hot stone in my gut. I shouldn’t be jealous, but I am.
And I’m angry.
Jack treated me like an object. Just like he probably treats every woman. What’s worse, after he was done with me, he went behind my back and took my business.
“I need two drinks,” I mumble. “At the same time.”
She laughs. “Who is this new Leah?”
“She’s stressed out and pissed, that’s who she is.”
We head to the bar across the street, where we take a table in the back and order two Old Fashioneds. Steepling her fingers under her chin, Leah studies me.
“So.” She purses her lips. “What did you think of the first day?”
I laugh, loud and nearly maniacally. “Great. It was just peachy.”
“The new hires…”
I sigh and close my eyes. “I only met a few today.”
“I’m sure they’re good at their jobs.”
I open my eyes and smile wryly. “I’m sure they are too, but they’re all a bunch of assholes.”
She leans back in her chair, looping an arm over the back of it. “That’s—”
“The industry. I know.” The server arrives with our drinks, and I can’t get the first few sips down quick enough. I’ve never been much of a drinker, but it feels like I’m carrying a literal ton of stress on my shoulders.
Taylor studies me. “I’m worried about you, Leah.”
“What? I’m fine.” I down half my drink. “Why do you say that?”
“I know this isn’t what you want. Maybe it’s time to turn in your cards.”
I stare into my drink. “Yeah. Maybe.”
“How much do you think you would get for your shares?”
I chew that over. “Jack did make a pretty good offer, but that was before I turned him down and he went ahead and bought GourmetGlobal up.”
“What if you took him up on it? You seem…”