Page 42 of Reign (Rock God)

“Stop it. I’m not falling for him, Melanie. Jesus, I don’t even really like him…he’s way too controlling, I’m just nervous about going to this party because I don’t really know anyone, that’s all,” I snap, then snarl, “Look, I can barely hear you, I need to go.”

“Courtney, wait…” she screams, the siren fading. “Don’t be mad at me, I just don’t want you to get hurt. Look I’ll be back in a couple days, and we will figure everything out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out, I need to go. I hear stuff going on downstairs and I need to see what the hell is going on.” I do hear people as I start to pace. Jesus, is that Alberto’s voice?

“Fine, but remember who you are. You’re the motherfuckin’ shit, love you.” I nod, even though she can’t see that as I look out the window, but not really seeing anything.

“Love you too.” Then I hang up as I swallow, feeling really raw, like what am I doing because my emotions are all over the place? When I’m with Ammo, it all seems so right and natural, but what’s gonna happen when the album’s done? He’s gonna move on, of course, if he hasn’t already.

“Courtney, sweetheart?” Rachel’s voice breaks into my inner self-doubt monologue that’s getting ready to take over.

“Oh, there you are, look at you, all fabulous in black. But honey, we don’t want to get any makeup on the gowns...”

“What are you talking about?” I need to get out of here as I grab my large Louis Vuitton bag and walk past her.

“Alberto,” she says, like there’s something wrong with me as I turn.


“He’s here, along with Susan and Dan, for the dresses…what is wrong with you?” she snaps.

“Now?” I look at her, then march over to my stairs.

“Rachel, what the hell? I’m leaving with Ammo. It’s Rhys Granger’s party, remember?” My head is starting to hurt because Ammo is going to be here any minute. He already hates Rachel, and I have a houseful of couture and one-of-a-kind dresses being brought in for me to try on…like right this minute?

“No, I don’t remember a thing about Granger’s. Well, I’m sorry, my love, but you will have to skip the party, you have the biggest name in fashion waiting for you…so get down there,” she snaps, like literally snaps at me, and for a second I almost start laughing.

“Are you kidding me? I told you about this yesterday. And no.” I snap my finger right back at her, “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. I have zero idea why you would schedule this right now, but it’s your mess to fix because that’s what I pay you for,” I say as I start down the stairs, just as Gina and Susan both run up the stairs to meet me.

“Courtney, you look absolutely glowing. My God, Alberto,” Susan screams. “Wait until you see our beautiful butterfly. She’s gotten more magnificent,” she sings out, letting go of my elbow as she rushes forward, and I look over at Gina.

“How did this happen?”

“I just asked you and you said okay.” She looks confused and that’s it, I’m done. I’m gonna lose my shit.

“You never said today. If you had, I would have said no. You and Rachel both know about Granger’s party, and that I’m going with Ammo. What’s gotten into you, Gina?” Trying to keep my voice a whisper, the last thing I need to do is piss off Alberto or Dan because they are my go-to designers.

“I’m sorry, but I asked you…” Her cheeks are stained pink with humiliation, but come on, this sucks.

“Should I call Ammo and cancel for you?” Gina asks as she straightens her shoulders just as Rachel joins us at the end of the step.

“Of course, you should. Courtney has priorities. You know, like her career.” She rolls her eyes as she walks into my living room screaming for champagne just as I turn toward my doorway, watching another dress being brought in as I see Ammo.

God. I grab ahold of the staircase, my heart pounding as my stomach flips and dips, making me feel completely breathless as I watch him smile and light up a cigarette as he nods at something the woman is saying.

I’m assuming she’s an assistant because I’ve never seen her before as he casually walks in, his eyes going from hers straight to me.

“Oh, Ammo’s here, do you still want me to…” Gina’s voice trails off as I hold up my hand for her to shut up. She’s made enough of a mess of this day. I force my legs to move as his eyes narrow on me. My pussy is instantly getting wet. God, I’m becoming addicted to him—or maybe to the sex—this is bad.

“So, Rachel apparently scheduled a fitting for the Grammys.” My voice is gravelly as I watch his lips wrap around the tip of the cigarette, and all I can think about is how good that mouth feels on me.