Page 43 of Reign (Rock God)

“I see that.” He grins as if he can read my thoughts, which at least makes me stop staring at him like he’s some sort of god.

“Ammo.” Alberto’s voice interrupts anything I was going to say as he marches in, holding out his hand for Ammo to shake.

“Do not fall for him.” Melanie’s voice rings in my head as I watch him turn to Alberto. And my heart skips because what am I going to do?

He’s just so hot in his black jeans and dark blue t-shirt that matches his eyes whenever he gets excited. And as much as I tell myself I can’t stand him, I’m running out of reasons why, because the fact is, Marshall Ammo Adams is everything to me and more.




He makes me feel safe, which of course scares me because he’s made no promises, and the truth is he is a rock star.

Maybe it’s better this scheduling mishap happened today. I need to put a little distance between me and him; otherwise, I might lose sight on who he is and what I want. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, smelling his fresh scent and all I want is to grab his hand and shove it in my panties. See, I’m out of control.

“Court and I have to go to the party, so let me see the choices.” Ammo’s growly voice and warm hand reaching for me makes me blink up at him.

“Wait, what are you doing?” I demand as he follows Alberto just as he starts to clap and talk in rapid Italian.

“Choosing your dress,” he states, like this is all normal…it’s not, not even a little.

“Ammo, I need to try them on—”

“Yes, this is going to take hours,” Rachel snaps as she sips a glass of champagne, and here we go.

“Just give me a minute.” I hold up my hand to her, turning to Ammo who points at a giant black skirt that is made up of a massive amount of layered gauzy material that looks like a fairy tale.

“That, in gold, and a black lace top…make sure it shimmers and sparkles. You know what to do.” He looks at Alberto who’s already bringing it out.

“Excuse me,” Rachel snarls, and for a second she looks like she might attack Ammo as she takes a step forward.

“You are not in charge. Courtney always wears black…it’s her signature—”

“No, you’re not in charge,” Ammo interrupts her, and I’m not gonna lie, he’s just so powerful, my core instantly pulses. There might be something wrong with me, I get off on Ammo being a god, when all others are just average men.

Lyrics instantly flood my brain, but I push them aside because this is going to get ugly, fast.

“And this #CourtMarshall shit that’s trending…” He points at Rachel. “I know about it. And I know you leaked it.”

“I’m sorry, I thought it was #Marshey that was trending,” Rachel purrs as Ammo smirks and takes a step back, the entire room dead silent waiting for the impending explosion.

“Okay.” I hold up my hands. “Everyone, just relax… Oh my God,” I scream as Ammo lifts me up. I instinctually wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us to the door, calling out over his shoulder.

“Get it done, Alberto. I trust you completely. Also, send me over a new black suit for the Grammys that complements what she’s wearing.” His eyes hold mine as he carries me toward the door…he’s the worst in the very best way.

“Absolutely.” Alberto’s voice is almost trembling with excitement. “You both will look so beautiful, I’ll make them a subtle match, like you were made for one another.” Alberto claps as Rachel catches up to us, which is saying something since those stilettos of hers have to be at least five inches.

“Courtney, do not leave with him, this is your career on the line. I have worked too hard to see someone like—”

“Fuck off, Rachel,” Ammo states, and at this point I can’t help but smile. He really is a dick, but even though I’m not exactly happy that Rachel did this today, knowing that I was going to the party, I still feel kind of sorry for her. I mean, Ammo literally just came in and completely took over.

“Rachel, it’s gonna be okay,” I try and assure her as Ammo stops, and my legs slide down his hard body to the floor.

“By the way, Rachel, we’re staying here tonight, so besides fucking security, I don’t want to see any of your faces.” He looks right at Rachel, who just stands with her eyes narrowed on Ammo, and for a second, she reminds me of the Evil Queen in Snow White.

“I’ll see you all…tomorrow,” I say lamely, since I felt like I should say something as Ammo looks down at me, his lips twitching as he laces his fingers with mine and walks us over to the black Cadillac SUV.