“It’s only fair, babe, I called him first.” Mel pouts as she holds up her finger, stopping me from saying anything as she orders Cristal and strawberries on the phone with Gina.
My eyes narrow as I watch Marco not even trying to hide his smile.
“What?” I snap.
“You. Turning all jelly, hearing about us wanting that giant cock.” He winks and Lucy laughs.
“Jesus, can you imagine?” She steps back to look at my body, no one in the least fazed that both me and Melanie are basically naked.
“Oh, I can imagine, a lot.” Marco steps back with her to access me. “Tell us, Courtney, is it true about the size of it?”
“Lies, all of it,” I state, the corners of my mouth starting to smile.
“Look at you. You little sluttttt.” Marco waggles his perfectly formed eyebrows at me, and I really want to steal his black high-waisted, pinstriped pants.
“Look, Ammo and I are just…” My voice trails off because I don’t even know how to label us.
Have we been inseparable the last week?
Have we talked about the future?
“Shut up.” Mel holds up her hand. “They are so together.” She twirls in front of them, “Am I dry, Daddy?” She wiggles her ass at him as he slaps it, laughing.
God, I’m happy she’s back, the last week has been crazy, and Mel just makes everything better. Add in champagne, and the recurring nightmare I’ve started to have again doesn’t seem to have such a hold on me.
“Court? Hello?” Mel’s face is so close to mine she’s almost blurry.
“Stop it.” I laugh because she’s ridiculous, and she knows I can’t move or touch her since I’m still drying.
“Were you just thinking about my husband’s big dick?” She moves her shoulders back and forth…bitch, actually has natural, perfect breasts.
“God, Mel.” I laugh, then look over as Gina slithers in, followed by Rachel, and it’s like the air has just been sucked out of the room.
“Okay, so the dresses are here. Oh good, at least Melanie’s face is on. Are you doing Courtney, or is Julie coming back?” Rachel snaps at Marco, who ignores her reaching for his champagne glass. As much as I adore Rachel, she has been on a rampage ever since the book incident.
I don’t know if it’s because Ammo hates her and isn’t even trying to hide it, or the fact that I’m still living here and she has to grace his threshold.
I mean, I could go home; Ammo’s arranged massive security at my place; he even has a guy staying here. Whatever it is, Rachel’s been a bigger bitch lately, and I’m left to do damage control.
“Julie’s outside having a cigarette break,” I say, trying to sound cheerful, because I really can’t handle drama right now. I’m already a nervous wreck about performing without Melanie, and Ammo promised he’d walk the red carpet, but this morning he took off as soon as he got a text, and I haven’t seen him since.
“Gina?” Rachel snaps as Gina sets down the champagne. “Go get Julie, and where’s all the caveman’s help? Why do we only have your people here?” She looks at me, the caveman I’m assuming is Ammo.
“Rachel, you kill me.” Melanie shakes her head, moving over to the table for more champagne and a cigarette.
“Ammo doesn’t have anyone besides Betty,” I state as Marco touches my skin to see if I’m dry.
“Who the hell is Betty?” Rachel walks over to Mel for a cigarette as Marco rolls his eyes dramatically at me.
“You know what? I don’t even care. I just got a call from Malcolm. He said it’s a shitshow already. We need to get a move on, traffic is going to be unbearable.” She lights up, blowing smoke up into the air as Melanie just stares at her.
“I told them, and I really wish they had listened to me on getting a hotel suite close to Crypto.” She points her cigarette at me, her bright red pointy nails looking like a weapon. “But of course, they think they know everything.”
And by they she means Ammo and Malcolm. She shakes her head like this is just such a burden.
“Rachel, you don’t have to go. I have Mel, and Ammo, I think all the guys from the Stuffed Muff—”
“Not go? Are you kidding me? You’re my client. This is the biggest night in the music world…of course I’m going.” Her voice is getting loud, and I frown at the way she said my but take a deep breath because this is just anxiety talking. We’re all feeling pressure from the whole Zane stalker thing…everyone’s on edge.
“Well, perfect.” I smile tightly as Gina walks back in with Julie.
“About fucking time. Get her ready, I’m going to make sure they can get the dresses inside. Ammo has that giant guard watching all of us like we’re the bad guys.” She snuffs out her cigarette, smoke escaping out her nostrils as poor Julie looks at me, then Melanie.