“Oh my God, before I forget.” Rachel turns at the doorway, her skintight black gown highlighting her slender shape. “What are you going to do if Broken Vixens wins?” And I almost trip on the spray paper on the floor that protects the flooring from the glitter.
“What do you mean?” Sitting in the chair as Julie gets ready to do my face, I say, “If you’re asking if I’m going to go up and accept the award with Roxy and Pat? Then the answer is fuck no.” I turn to her because this is not up for negotiation.
“Courtney, sweetheart—”
“No, Rachel. I already have massive anxiety about performing, and you talked me into it, but I will not be guilted into taking the stage with them. I told you this weeks ago.” Closing my eyes so that Julie can work her magic on me, I let her know the conversation is over.
“Don’t worry, kitty cat, if we win, I’ll accept it,” Melanie pipes in. But it’s too late, I can already feel my blood pressure spiking. I haven’t even thought about Roxy or Johnny since the Zane ordeal. I’m dealing with too much already, so great, let’s just pile on more things to get anxiety about.
“And that’s wonderful, Melanie.” Rachel’s voice almost sounds like a purr as she continues this conversation that I want over with. “But I don’t want Courtney looking weak, or bitter. If you win, she needs to go up there. In fact, it should be Courtney who speaks.”
“I said no.” Julie starts to add some false eyelashes in with my real ones so I’m unable to make eye contact with either of them.
“Honey... You have Ammo now, why wouldn’t you go up there? If you don’t, it will look like you—”
“I said no!” Now I’ve resorted to yelling because what the hell?
“Courtney.” She sounds shocked, then the silence is followed by laughter as I peek my eyes open enough to see Marco, Lucy, and Melanie laughing together, like we’re back in high school and I just told off a teacher.
“Stop moving,” Julie grumbles.
“Okay, hear me out.” Melanie’s voice is right next to me as I sigh and relax my eyes so that Julie doesn’t screw me up. That’s the last thing I need to deal with since Rachel is making everyone either want to drink or get angry.
“The witch has a point. If Broken Vixens wins and you stay in your seat, the cameras are going to be all over you.”
“Oh well,” I mumble as Julie outlines my lips.
“Actually, hand me my phone, I need to see where Ammo is.” Holding out my hand as I slowly blink my eyes open because they feel like, well, like they have massive amounts of glitter eye shadow, liner, and false lashes on them because they do.
“Oh wow, Julie, she looks amazing. I think you need to add more glitter to me.” Mel leans forward to look at herself.
Julie looks up into the mirror. “Agreed, Court, you look gorgeous.”
“Okay, here we go.” Rachel bursts in, followed by the fashion team. Susan and Dan trail behind Alberto who is in full designer mode, bossing everyone in the room around.
“Rachel?” I plead, looking over Julie’s shoulder. “Can you ask Gina to call Ammo, please?”
“Blot,” Julie demands, then moves to add more gloss on my lips as Marco and Lucy hold my hands while Alberto slips the ornate black corset on me. My breasts instantly get shoved up and almost spill out.
“Remove the pasties, Courtney,” Alberto says, his eyes all over my body like the artist he is.
“Well, thank God, I didn’t eat,” I groan as I peel them off each nipple, and he walks behind me and starts to lace me up.
“Suck in, my beauty.”
“Not too tight, Alberto, I don’t want to puke.”
“You out of everyone should know fashion is never about comfort,” he chastises as I try to get Rachel’s attention again, but her back is to me as she talks on her phone.
Whatever, I’m sure Ammo will be home soon. After all, this is his house, and he has to get ready.
“And suck in one more time,” Alberto demands.
Jesus Christ, I really can barely breathe. Well, this is one way to get your mind off all your anxiety. All thoughts of panic about taking the stage alone has taken a backseat to the real concern that I might not actually be able to perform in this get-up if I can’t breathe.
“Jesus, Alberto, I have to be able to sing.” Glancing over my shoulder at him, he smirks like he’s heard this before.
“Fine, your waist is so tiny anyway.” He loosens it slightly, enough that I can at least take a good breath in and out.
I look back at my reflection.
You’ve walked the red carpet hundreds of times. Performed or presented numerous times at the Grammys.