Page 35 of Savage Temptation

“No drugs in this club, Asshole. Boss’s orders,” he said with a shrug. The handsy druggy and his two friends were now being manhandled out of the club under his sharp inspection before he turned away and went back up the far stairs, knowing they’d be handled and escorted out, not a single word directed at us.

I was in a daze, trying to understand what the hell just happened, watching the stranger calmly walk away, turn back, and flash another smirk toward Alison.

“Oh… he likes you!” I teased, trying to ease the heavy mood.

“Max? Nah. He’s like an older brother.”

“That was a damn incestuous look then.”

“Shut up.” Alison swatted my arm before looking back towards where he had now disappeared to.

“That was a fast response time. How do you know him again?”

“Come.” She took my hand, not bothering to respond, and led the way downstairs to the middle of the dance floor, the music getting louder with every step we took.

She pulled me towards one of the bars, pushing and squeezing through all the people obliviously dancing around us. She stopped in front of the sticky counter of the bar that sat in the middle of the club, with the sexy bartender behind it. Alison waved to get his attention, the man darting straight towards us once he caught sight of her.

She pulled him closer, whispering something in his ear before he turned to get whatever Alison ordered for us.

“Is he your connection?” I asked, noticing he was quick to leave the other patrons for us. “Or is Max?”

“Nope to both,” she simply replied with no intention to elaborate while she mindlessly tapped on the counter to the beat of the music. Not even a minute later, the slender, hot bartender was returning with our drinks in hand.

Alison pulled out a twenty dollar bill from her clutch and locked eyes with me. I assumed she would be using it to pay for our drinks, but instead, she confidently slapped the money onto the counter and yelled over the loud music, “Twenty bucks says I can down this drink faster than you can,” her mischievous grin spreading from ear to ear.

“Best out of three?” I replied, getting a little carried away, pulling out my own twenty to match her bet.

“Hey, Jack!” She called out to the bartender. “Can we get another four of these?” Alison asked, making me feel a twinge of doubt in the pit of my stomach as I looked at the tall glasses brimming with alcohol that had already been set before us. Jack, aka hot-booze-guy, returned shortly after, delivering two more drinks to each of us.

“Jack can ref for us. You’re a cheater, I don’t trust you.” I chuckled, taking my chance to send Jack a little wink. He could very well be the fun I was looking for tonight.

Alison clutched her invisible pearls, feigning shock at my statement.

“I resent that! No head start for you, Birthday Girl.” I laughed at her theatrics, already feeling lighter without a single drop of alcohol in my system. “Ready?”

“Set.” I replied

“Go!” We shouted in unison before starting our little competition.

Alison downed the first two drinks as if they were water but slowed down on the third, allowing me to catch up. Just as I was about to finish my last, Alison opened her mouth wide and guzzled down the entire contents of her glass in one gulp as if there was a direct pipeline from her mouth to her stomach.

“It’s a clean win.” Jack reluctantly said as if he had taken my side, a fake pitiful look on his face.

With a small victory dance, Alison claimed her prize and stuffed the money into her cleavage, making me burst into a fit of laughter.

“Now to the good stuff,” she said before turning back to Jack. “There’s a bottle of Havana Club Máximo calling out to me. Serve us two and keep ‘em coming. I hope you like rum, J, cause that’s what’s flowing tonight.”

Fresh drinks in hand, we strutted out to the dance floor behind us, getting lost in the beat as we danced together. I was feeling the buzz of those drinks, even though Jack had been kind enough not to mix them as strongly as he could have. Still, I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and it wasn’t long before inhibitions started to lift, my shoulders feeling lighter as if they had been weighing a ton.

“I have to pee,” I shouted over the music, turning around and darting straight towards the corner of the club, not waiting for Alison’s reply.

The line was never-ending, as it always was, so I slumped against the wall and pulled out my brand new phone, frowning at the memory of who got it for me. I knew I’d find myself regretting this tomorrow, but it was just stronger than me. My fingers moved of their own accord, not pausing for a read-through before they hit send:

Me: I hope fake barbie tasted like rainbows and unicorns.

It didn’t even take half a minute for my phone to be buzzing with his reply.

Liam: I’m sorry, what?