Page 36 of Savage Temptation

Me: Then again you should know by now. She seems like a regular.

Liam: Is everything okay? Weren’t you on a date?

Me: Everything is just perrrrrrfect. I should try it too.

Me: Does it work?

Liam: What? You’re not making any sense.

Me: You kissed Michelle. Did you fuck her too?

Liam: Have you been drinking?

Me: Maybe. What’s it to you?

Liam: I’m coming to get you.

Me: I’ll be coming, too. Just not with you.

Liam: The only thing coming your way is an ass spanking if you keep this up.

My turn came up, so I pocketed my phone, ignoring Liam’s last text, did my business, and headed to the bar where Jack was. I watched him for a minute, tossing bottles around like in the movies, serving a drink before he caught me from the corner of his eye.

I smiled as he came over, his black shirt showing just the right amount of flesh for me to know there were rippled muscles under there.

“Another rum?” He asked, already reaching for a glass.

“Sure. What time is your break?” I asked, being more forward than I normally was. But the thought of Liam kissing or maybe fucking Michelle had me tipping over an edge I’ve never crossed before.

“I can take one now.” Jack flashed me a perfectly white smile, knowing exactly what I wanted.

“Good. Maybe we can dance a little.”

He called out to his nearest colleague, telling him he was going on a break as he rushed to meet me. His hand rested low on the small of my back as we headed out to the dance floor. I was nervous, but not to the point I’d back down.

You cure a hangover with booze, so maybe I could cure this hard crush with another man. Guys did it all the time. Why did women have to be any different?

Stopping at a less crowded spot, I turned towards Jack, smiling devilishly as he draped his hands on my hips while mine dived into his longish hair just above his nape. Foreheads resting together, the glare we exchanged was flirty and did all the talking we needed.

Jack spun me around, pulling my ass flush against his crotch while his hands roamed my body as we both swayed to the sound of the deafening music. It was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. I was imagining someone else behind me, and suddenly his touch turned all that more alluring. I reached behind and pulled his head closer, tilting mine to the side as he placed a kiss on my neck. His lips weren’t ravishing enough, but they’d do the trick.

I took another large sip from the rum he had poured me, trying to muffle my thoughts a little more and live in the freaking moment.

I closed my eyes to concentrate, and soon enough the loud music was gone, the flashing lights dimmed, the movement around me stilled. “Good fucking girl.”

My eyes flew open immediately as those words invaded my mind without permission, and I was in the exact same spot I was before, Jack’s fingers digging deeper into my skin before they suddenly weren’t. Not a palm, not a finger, not a breath.

I spun towards him, but instead, I was now facing the broad back of a man who definitely wasn’t Jack, standing just an inch away from me. Taller. Bulkier. Sexier.

“Get your fucking hands off!” I felt that low growl in my gut, traveling south straight to my pussy before spreading to every part of my body. I clenched everything I had that had the ability to clench.

“Liam?” What the hell was he doing here? How did he know where I was? I thought he was bluffing.

Jack had regained his stance, starting for me again, his brows knit together with a burning fire in his eyes.

“Think straight, Jack. Don’t do anything stupid. Walk. The fuck. Away. You don’t want to die tonight.”

Jack stopped, nose flaring before resignation took over his features, and he simply turned and left towards the bar. My mouth fell open. I was at a loss. Confusion, anger, resentment, all the above wrapped with a neat bow of ‘what the fuck’.