Page 45 of Savage Temptation

“I beg your pardon?”

“Why the fuck aren’t you at work?” He spat. Furious wasn’t even the right word to describe his state. There could be fire coming out of his flared nostrils, his face tinted red under his golden complexion. “I’ve been calling you for over a fucking hour!”

“My phone died and I overslept,” I explained, not taming my tone so it matched his, watching as Liam took off to roam my apartment, checking every corner. “How the hell did you get inside my apartment?”

Liam simply waved me off with his hand, finishing up his search for God knows what before coming to stand right in front of me again, another grunted demand through gritted teeth, “You could have fucking called.”

He stood there staring at me, waiting for my reply. Liam was so close I could almost taste his cologne. But there was a hint of something else, too. Bourbon, maybe?

“Have you been drinking?” I asked, not masking my concern.

“You could have called.” He repeated, his voice closer to normal but not losing the accusatory tone.

“I told you my phone is dead,” I replied, watching as he turned away, his hand wreaking havoc through his already disheveled hair. “What do you care? What are you even doing here?”

“I couldn’t get a hold of you. I was worried something had happened.”

Yesterday he couldn’t even find the decency to say goodbye, and today he’s all worked up because I hadn’t shown up for work? Fuck that! I couldn’t keep up with this bipolarity.

“Well, as you can see, I am just fine! I don’t think it’s standard procedure for the boss to check on their employees when they don’t show up for work. You can leave now. Thank you so much for the concern, Boss.”

I walked towards the door, opening it wider and motioning for him to leave. Liam followed closely behind me, taking one last look at me from the floor up, lingering on my still-wet thighs, his head shaking left and right before he walked past me, stopping just outside my door.

I tried to shut it behind him, but Liam held the door from slamming in his face, “I’ll be downstairs waiting for you in my car.”

“Don’t. I won’t be going in today. I’m not feeling well. Have a good day, Mr. Dornier.” I slammed the door, leaving absolutely no room for him to protest.

Despite being angry at him, I couldn't help but spy on his reaction. I knew he’d be pissed. Liam Dornier was not used to getting a no for an answer.

I watched him scrambling for something to say but ultimately deciding he had no comeback. His heavy, angry footsteps resonated through the hall as he disappeared. When he was out of sight, I exhaled in relief, leaning against my door.

Why did he act all cold and distant only to burst into a fit of rage thinking something had happened to me? That’s a reaction someone who cared would have, right?

What was with the searching? Was he worried I had someone over? A man, maybe?

If he did care, if he did have feelings for me, why wasn’t he honest about them? Had I not been clear in my confession?

I had nothing but questions. But this miscommunication deal was getting really old, really fast.

Despite what I told Liam, I was going to work. I just needed space and boundaries.

The forty-five-minute train ride was hardly enough to get him off my mind. But then again, did such a thing exist?

As I settled in my desk, staring at that damn door of his, I decided I’d wait for everyone to leave tonight, again, so I could finally label whatever this is between us.

He clearly wasn’t ready to jump off the horse, and neither was I. We just couldn’t expect each other to sit there and wait for the other to make a move. So, I’ll take the reins and settle this once and for all.

Liam huffed and nodded in disapproval, pissed that I was sitting at my desk, contrary to what I’d told him. And if that hadn’t given me the clue he didn’t like what I’d done, the door to his office slamming shut left no doubt at all.

I allowed him space for the rest of the afternoon as I rehearsed my speech in the reflection of my computer screen.

Chapter 13


I watched in disgust as Michelle swayed her way over to Liam’s office at ten past six. The same exact routine every day, yet somehow, today her swing had less of an attitude. I couldn’t help but wonder what Liam had said to her after I left them alone in his apartment.

Had he berated her? Had he called a rain check? Was trespassing not reason enough for termination? I guess not.