Page 46 of Savage Temptation

Even so, I bet he could just hint at a blow job, and she wouldn’t hesitate to drop to her knees and oblige. How many other times had they done exactly that in his office?

I had bile rising to my throat at that image, and for some reason, try as I might, it wouldn’t leave me alone.

The floor was completely empty as I waited for Michelle to head out, too, allowing a few more minutes to pass to be sure no one else lingered around. I inhaled deeply, hoping it would infuse me with the courage I seemed to be losing at each passing second.

Feeding off the anger of seeing her flirt with him again, I stood up and marched right up to Liam’s door, pushing it open without even knocking. Liam was right on the other side, pulling the door open, ready to head home.

His eyes rolled as he saw me, his hand brushing over his chin in annoyance as he released the door knob. He walked back inside, threw his jacket onto his chair, and leaned against his desk, waiting for me to speak, arms crossed over his chest.

His guarded stance did nothing to ease me, the fury in his eyes piercing right through me, making me second-guess what I came here to do in the first place. But then Michelle’s bare fucking ass came into my mind once more, and I was firm in my mission again.

“Can we talk?” I started, trying to break that anger into small chunks so I could chew on each reason for him to be acting this way separately. If he looked on the edge of madness this morning, he had definitely tipped over now.

“What do you want, Jamie?” His tone was harsh, but for some reason, it wasn’t enough to deter me. I closed the door behind me, coming to stand in front of him, crossing my arms in front of my chest, mimicking his body language.

“I didn’t see you being this arrogant to Michelle just a minute ago. To what do I owe the special treatment?” I accused.

“She doesn’t get on my every nerve like you do.”

“Oh! Shouldn’t I be the one pissed off here? If I recall correctly, I was the one who found someone naked waiting for you in your apartment when you had your tongue shoved down my throat.”

“I told you I didn’t know she was going to be there.”

“Right. And for some stupid reason, I believed you.”

“I don’t have the habit of lying, Jamie. If I said I didn’t know she was there, it’s the fucking truth.” His tone was dipped in all shades of pissed, fueling me further.

“But I still get the cold shoulder and not even a word about it from you after Friday night.” I couldn’t help my own anger from seeping into my words, “You slept in my damn bed and left without a word in the morning.”

“Today is not a good day for this,” Liam said, heading for the door, ready to dismiss me. But I’d come this far, and I wouldn’t find the courage to do this again, so it was either today or never.

I stopped his advances, my hand landing on his chest, making Liam pause barely a foot away from me.

“Jamie, I told you today is not a good day for this conversation.” There was anger under his breath, mixed with the same scent of bourbon I’d sensed earlier. His eyes settled on mine in a warning.

“Why?” I pushed.

“Because I’m not the best version of myself today.”

“I’ll take it if it’s an honest one.”

“Don’t push, Jamie.” It was a warning that sounded more like a goad.

I did exactly what he told me not to. I pushed him back with the hand I still had on his chest. Liam caught my wrist, pulling me flush against him, his mouth hovering an inch away from my lips while his eyes were so deeply buried in mine that I felt them stripping my soul.

“I pushed, and now what?” I dared to taunt.

“And now I’m taking every damn thing you have to give.”

With that, he crashed his lips onto mine, his free hand grabbing my ass to pull me closer. His kiss was harsh, urgent, and hungry. Small but hard enough bites punishing me for my insistence.

Liam ravished my lips without mercy, walking me backwards until the back of my thighs hit his desk, his hands just as hungry as his tongue.

“I could have been gentle. I could have been caring.” He said between kisses, both his hands fisting my hair tightly. “But today, I’m none of those things, and I warned you. You just had to push, didn't you?” He kissed me again, harsher this time, “Tell me to stop, Jamie, or I’ll ruin you.”

“No.” I panted into his mouth. “I want you, Liam. Please don’t stop. Don’t hold back.” I accentuated his name, remembering how he had asked me to say it. No vague words. Whether or not I would come to regret this moment was an issue for later. Right now I wanted him to take exactly as he said he would.

“I can’t. Believe me, I’ve fucking tried.”