Page 192 of Not Over You

“Didn’t you guys break up before you went different ways back then.”

“Sort of. I guess we left it kind of open ended. I mean, we went different ways. But we said we’d still see each other some.”

“But life got in the way?”

I shrug a tight shoulder. “I was at college, he went to work as a ski instructor for the winter.”

“And you were upset with him?”

“I… yeah.”

“And what was your relationship that summer like?”

I laugh. “Hot.”

“And I remember you being hell bent on finishing school and starting the business.”

“I was. I’ve always known I wanted to be an entrepreneur.”

“What about him? What did he want back then?”

I roll my eyes in her direction. “To be a ski bum.”

Maddy watches me with a look that’s beyond her years. “And he’s grown up a lot since then.”

I shake my head. “Do they ever grow up?”

She laughs. “I think so, but that’s probably why I like older men.”

I grin. “Like Christian Archer?”

Her cheeks grow pink. “No.”

“Whatever. Anyway, I’m mad at Hunter. And I don’t have time for his games in my life.”

She stands up. “Well, hopefully there’s some logical explanation for all of this.”

“Not likely,” I grumble at my computer.

At one p.m., my phone rings. I grab it. Hunter.

My finger hovers over the answer button.

No! I’m not doing it.

I put the phone face down on the desk.

A text dings.

Another call an hour later.

And another at three. The text messages steadily ding between.

I don’t even pick the thing up.

Maddy sticks her head around the office door. “What in the world is going on with your phone?”

“Hunter. I guess.”