Page 64 of City of Salvation

Pulling away, I rested my forehead against hers, taking time to collect myself because if I tried to speak, it wouldcome out either as nonsense orlet’s fuck. We weren’t even supposed to be doing this right now, but all brain function ceased the moment I touched her.

“It’s a good thing we practiced, because you’re a shit kisser.” Nikki’s words came out breathy. What did she sound like after she got fucked?

Unable to resist, I nuzzled the side of her throat with my nose, nipping at the delicate skin as I spoke. “Oh yeah? Maybe we should practice some more,” I suggested, my hands finding her hips and pinning her to the door.

“That’s probably a good idea,” she moaned, grabbing my face and directing me back toward her lips.

Now Iknewwhy people kissed. There was something so damn delicious about feeling their tongue slide against yours. I nearly came when Nikki sucked on the tip of mine.

I gripped her ass, hoisting her up and giving her no choice but to wrap her legs around my waist. Her giggle was like fucking sunshine, and the way her fingers went straight for my hair had me ready to get on my damn knees for her. Walking her over to the counter in the kitchen, I set her down next to the sink, neither of us wanting to let go.

“Now I see why people have friends of the opposite sex,” she said between kisses, and I barked out a laugh.

“I don’t think friends do this shit,” I said, still pressed against her mouth.

She pulled back. “What the fuck is the point of having a friend then?” she asked, sincerely confused.

I shrugged a shoulder, watching the way she shuddered when I rubbed up and down her bare side, savoring how soft and smooth her skin was. “How the fuck would I know. I don’t have any girls that I’m only friends with.”

Something like guilt or discontent bubbled up. I’d never been ashamed about sleeping around, and Nikki wasn’t thetype of woman to turn her nose up at that, either. Yet, still, I wanted her to know I wasn’t thinking about anyone else when I was with her, regardless of the authenticity of our relationship.

Fuck, if I was being honest, she’d invaded my mind for months now. No one else was able to break the hold she’d had on me.

“You’re the only one, you know that? And you’re mine tonight, you understand?” I practically growled out the command to her, gripping her at the nape of her neck, loving the way she sucked in a breath. Golden locks slipped between my fingers as I fisted them, pulling her head back. I was learning I had a thing for eye contact with her.

Her blue eyes practically glowed, cheeks flushed as she stared up at me. “Yeah, I understand.” Her fingers tangled in my shirt, yanking me closer. “And you’re mine.” The growl in her own voice nearly sending me into cardiac arrest.

God, she had no clue what she’d unleashed by saying that.

“Careful,” I warned, my voice husky and thick. “You start talking like that and I’ll forget we’re supposed to be friends.”

She inhaled sharply, tongue running across her bottom lip.

I needed to change the subject. “Have you ever been to a one-percenter party?” I asked, needing to prepare her for what she was in for.

She shook her head as best she could with my hold. Her hands moved down to my shoulders, and she ran a single finger across my white T-shirt. I didn’t think she even knew she was doing it.

“I’ve danced for plenty of bikers at clubs.” My fist tightened in her hair, noting how her back arched slightly. “But I’ve never been to one of their parties. The other night with you was my first time in a clubhouse,” she said.

I pushed down the flair of jealousy.

I’d ignore that emotion along with the others trying to surge forward from my no-go zone list.

It was a long fucking list.

“Well, they are all a bunch of rowdy assholes who will fuck anything with tits. For some of them, they don’t even require that. So, you…” I pulled her even closer, but my dumb ass hadn’t considered that her legs were still wrapped around my waist. The warm heat of her pussy was poisedrightwhere my tip was tucked. It took every ounce of restraint to continue talking, and it still came out sounding strained and choked.

“...Are mine tonight. Right next to me, every fucking moment of the night. Understand?” I asked, tamping down my lust so I could get my point across. Because if she didn’t understand, she could end up in another brother’s lap, and I really didn’t want to fuck anyone’s face up tonight.

“Right. Stay right by your side and sell the wholefake datingthing because friends don’t suck on each other’s tongues,” Nikki responded, throwing in a salute.

“Fucking smartass,” I said, pulling her hair again and tilting her face up toward me.

Her mouth was parted ever so slightly, like it was pleading for me to spit in it.Fuck.She was in the perfect position for it, too. Instead, I buried my nose in the crook of her neck again. The scent of coconut andherwas just as tempting. What I needed to do was push away from her, but the thought of that was almost painful.

You’re just practicing getting used to each other’s touch for tonight. So it’s believable. Look at you, you overachiever.

Even in my own damn head, I was a fucking liar.