Page 65 of City of Salvation

We were teetering on a tightrope, playing with fuckingfire, and I should’ve been concerned for the degree of the burn I’d suffer.

Because I would get burned with her.

“I’m serious, Nikki. I’veneverhad an exclusive girl. All the girls I’ve fucked, my brothers have fucked too. This whole thing,” I extracted myself from where I was still inhaling her scent so I could point between us, “is all fucking new, and all their horny asses will try and get in your panties. Don’t make me fight off my own brothers, spitfire. Because not one of them gets to touch you,” I said, my tone low and fierce.

Again, with the fucking growling?

Now I understood why Gunner had dressed Ryan in his shirt. I’d made fun of him and suggested he just pee on her instead if he was going to be that territorial. I owed the asshole a beer and an apology.

I lowered my head so that when I spoke, my lips brushed against hers. “Tell me, Nikki, that you understand my directions.”

Her legs tightened around my waist, her breath quickening. We both could have come from the tension alone. When she wet her lips with her tongue, our proximity made it so it also brushed mine, and I moaned, snaking my tongue out to run across her lips, too.

I’d done all sorts of shit with all sorts of women, butnothinghad ever been hotter than this moment. Us in this kitchen, as I stood between her legs, her head pulled back and my hand tangled in her hair.

Fucking utter perfection—and we were fully clothed.

“Ask me nicely,” she said with a smirk. Our breaths intermingled as she parroted my words.

My brain malfunctioned.

God damn.

I might like a woman who followed directions, but I liked one who made me work for her obedience even more. So, I did what any man would do when a woman became so intoxicating and tempting that he wanted to keep her for his own…

I sprayed her with the hose function of the sink faucet.

She shrieked, her hands coming up to shield her from the onslaught of water. “Dex. What the fuck?”

She’d released her legs in her panic, and I’d untangled my grip on her hair. I stood a few feet away, pointing a finger at her.

“Stop trying to seduce me when we’re not in public.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You sprayed me because I wasseducingyou?” she asked in disbelief.

No. I sprayed you because you thaw the constant numbness that flows through my veins, keeping the emotions at bay.

“Yup.” I popped the p, shrugging a shoulder. “Don’t people spray cats when they’re misbehaving?”

Nikki hopped down and shoved a finger at my chest hard. “I’m not a fucking cat, Dex. Andyouwere trying to seducemewith that fucking growl in your tone and getting all caveman with me.” Her nostrils flared. “And I amsoflirting with your club brothers now,” she said, storming off to her room.

Someone should probably study the way my brain worked, because why was I smiling from ear to ear?

I didn’t make a move to follow her. It wasn’t safe to be around her and horizontal surfaces—I’d find a way to fall into her pussy with my face, or my fingers, or my cock. All three, preferably.

We needed space to let the lust die down so we could remember we were trying to be just friends.

And friends don’t suck on each other’s tongues.




Who wasin charge of the length standards of women’s shorts? Because I didn’t know if I wanted to kiss them or kick their asses.

“Did your butt cheeks stick to the seat of my bike? Because it’s taking you a while to get off that thing,” I asked, holding back my laugh when Nikki sent a scathing look my way as she hopped off. Her ass had literally played peek-a-boo with me as I’d trailed behind her to my bike, and then I had to ride with a half-chub all the way to the club.