Page 5 of Sidelined

I swallowed.

"Excuse me, Mr Leggit. You want me to—" I could barely think the words, much less say them.

"Tutor Conrad Florence," he said again, patiently. "I'm well aware half the girls in the school swoon over him, but I trust you can put all of that aside to help him with his English work."

My eyes flicked over to where he stood against the door frame, arms crossed over his muscular chest. Even with the pissed off, arrogant expression on his face, he was hot. He clearly didn't like being talked about like he wasn't there. He was probably more used to being the center of attention.

I offered him a smile.

He responded with a sarcastic smirk.

I looked away, uncomfortably annoyed that he'd unsettled me. He was just a guy, and I could use the money I'd get from tutoring him.

"I'm sure I won't have any trouble helping him with his schoolwork. As long as he’s willing to put in the effort."

"He is," Mr Leggit said firmly. He turned to him. "Right, Conrad?"

One side of his mouth turned up in a humourless smile. "I suppose." He looked at me like I was the last person in the world he wanted to spend time with.

I was used to tutoring people who weren't interested in their schoolwork, but most were happy to have the help.

Conrad Florence, on the other hand, seemed to think I was a hassle he didn't want to bother with. This wasnothow I pictured our first meeting. It usually involved flowers, long looks and love at first sight.

Yeah, pretty dumb, right? He was the star quarterback for the freaking Storm Valley High School Dragonflies. Destined for greatness, or something like that. Women threw themselves at his feet. Pretty ones. Not curvy, nerdy girls like me.

My eyes prickled and I blinked.

"You should be grateful Miss Anderson, who is top of her class, would take the time to help you pass English," Mr Leggit said curtly.

Conrad rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. "I said I'd work with a tutor, and I will. Doesn't mean we have to be best friends."

"I have a best friend," I said without thinking. Screw it, if he was going to be a jerk, then I'd let him know when he pissed me off.

"Good for you." He sneered until Mr Leggit glared at him.

"Give Miss Anderson your address," he told him. "You two can organise a time for her to come over." His eyes narrowed at Conrad. "Not two o'clock in the morning."

Conrad grinned.

Hell, he was so fucking attractive, my heart flipped in my chest.

I stared. I couldn't help it.

Then he caught me looking and scowled.

Unfortunately, he was still attractive like that. It wasn't fair for any guy to be as good-looking as he was.

Conrad handed me a piece of paper with an address scribbled on it in pencil. "I hope you can read that," he said in a tone that suggested he hoped I didn't have a clue.

I glanced down at it. "That's not far from where I live. I could walk there."

I was surprised I hadn't seen him on the school bus. Then again, a guy like him probably had a car. With a big back seat. Some cushions and a blanket. A packet of condoms just in case.

Oh shit, I had to stop thinking like that. The pulse between my legs throbbed lightly. My stomach clenched. If there was something I knew for certain, it was that Conrad Florence would never be with a girl like me.

"Maybe I could come over after school tomorrow?" I suggested.

"I have practice," he said coolly. "And the day after that," he added before I could speak.