Page 6 of Sidelined

"I know you don't have practice on Friday afternoon," Mr Leggit said firmly. "You can meet then."

"Maybe I have a date?" Conrad glared at me as though I had made the suggestion.

Before I could respond to that, Mr Leggit said, "If your priorities are in order, then Friday will be tutoring night. And Saturday. There is a game on Sunday, so you're excused for that."

Conrad muttered something that sounded like, "What is this, jail?"

When Mr Leggit looked squarely at him, he shrugged. "Okay, fine, whatever."

"I'll be there after school on Friday," I said.

If he had a date, it would have to wait until after our tutoring session. I hoped he'd actually be there when I turned up. If he cared about his future football career, he wouldn't blow this off.

Of course, that thought led my mind to the other kind of blowing off. The one that didn't involve steam. I'd never done it, but I'd read enough romance books to have some idea.

"Good," Mr Leggit said. "I'm sure Miss Anderson will be able to lick you into shape."

Conrad leered at me, and I blushed.

Mr Leggit rolled his eyes. "It's an expression, Mr Florence. It means—"

"I know what it means." Conrad grinned like he was pleased to see he got under my skin.

I groaned internally. If he was going to bombard me with sexual innuendos, I'd have to get used to blushing. Or get thicker skin.

"I'm sure we will do fine," I said, even though my mouth was suddenly dry. "Thank you for thinking of me, Mr Leggit."

Conrad was still watching me, his expression unreadable. I couldn't tell if he was happy about the arrangement, or wished I'd disappear. Maybe he hoped I'd say no to working with him. If that was the case, too bad. He needed help and I was going to give it to him, whether he liked it or not.

"Make sure he passes," Mr Leggit said. "A future generation of football fans are relying on it." He winked at me to show he was joking.

Conrad puffed out his chest. "Exactly. Wouldn't want to let down my fans."

I looked at him for a moment.

"What?" he asked.

"I dunno," I said. "I was just wondering how you got into the room with an ego so big."

"It's remarkable that he gets through the door, isn't it?" Mr Leggit teased.

"Ha ha," Conrad said sarcastically. "That doesn't stop you from cheering me on, does it?"

"No, it doesn't," Mr Leggit agreed. "I like to appreciate Coach Turner’s hard work."

"Hmmm," Conrad said. "You let him take credit for my success, but it's my fault that I'm failing English?" He raised an eyebrow at the teacher.

"Exactly," Mr Leggit said lightly. "That's exactly how it works." He smiled.

Conrad chuckled.

Even that was sexy.

"You heard it here first, folks," Conrad said. "Maybe that should go in the school paper."

For a second there, I thought he said that because he knew I was the editor. He knew who I was?

My heart skipped a beat. Then I realised he wasn't even looking at me. It was just an offhand comment.