Page 37 of A Second Dawn

Is the explanation that simple?

Crap, I see danger everywhere now.

Still unsettled and looking over my shoulder, we each take a few bags to carry to the car. Then, holy unexpectedly, Aiden takes my hand into his and tugs me along.

My heart stops for real this time.

I stare at our joint hands as I trot a step behind him. I don’t even realize my feet are moving.

Warmth spreads through me, seeing my fingers curled around his. It gently but firmly drives out any other thought from my mind.

Forgotten is the man fitting the bill to be one of Tiero’s thugs, forgotten is my best friend and my need to call her.

The simple touch of Aiden’s skin on mine drives all my worries to a land far, far away.

The comfort of safety and belonging spreads through every part of me.

My hand in his… it feels so natural. Like we’ve done this a million times before when in reality this is the first time our hands have joined.

I dare not breathe, not wanting to sever this moment with something so trivial as oxygen in my lungs. I mean, who needs air when you can have this?

Aiden strides ahead with me in tow, and Claudette tries to keep up with his fast pace. He hasn’t looked at me, but his racing pulse beneath my fingertips matches mine.

When we reach the car, he stops, slowly turning to peek at me. So much warmth flickers in his eyes. It keeps me in my state of temporary amnesia.

We stay locked in our visual embrace until the clearing of a throat reminds us both where we are. Reluctantly, and with a last swipe of his thumb over the back of my hand, he lets go of me and I instantly register the loss of his touch.

We didn’t lock the car, because of course we couldn’t; we have no key. Aiden opens the driver’s side and fumbles until he finds the release for the boot. We dump everything in it.

“Let’s get some food and toiletries. And let’s stay together this time,” Aiden says, and a part of my soul seems to scream,‘Yes! I want to stay together forever.’

I shut down that voice real quick. Not gonna happen.

Though I admit, after the strange incident with the Italian guy, I welcome his suggestion whole-heartedly. As much as I want to deny it, I feel safer whenever Aiden’s around. Safe and ho…

No! Not going there! Remember?

As we walk to the supermarket, I raise the subject I know he won’t like. “I need to call Rhia and tell her what’s happening.”

His answer is immediate. “No! Until we work out how De Marco found you, we can’t risk it.”

“But she’ll be worried sick if she doesn’t hear from me. I promised to call her as soon as I get to Atlanta.”

“Well, you’re not going to Atlanta,” he replies sternly. “There’s your loophole.”

“But I don’t want a loophole. I want to talk to my best friend and let her know I’m okay.”

While Aiden and I are arguing, Claudette begins to fill our trolley with packs of water and snack food. I don’t pay attention to what she throws into the cart, too focused on making Aiden see reason.

His attention is fully on me. It does weird things to my insides. Then he sighs and for a moment I believe he’ll give in.

“I get that Rhia and you are close. But for right now, I can’t guarantee a secure line to her. Somehow De Marco found out about the cruise and he’s seen your disguise. You need to go underground and stay off everybody’s radar. Unfortunately, that means no contact with the outside world. That includes Rhia. Carl will inform her and Lex. Leave it up to him.”

Even though I can understand his reasoning, I don’t like it one bit. Hearing Rhia’s voice is all I can focus on now. I need my bestie. Everything will be brighter after speaking to her. But Aiden is adamant and something tells me he won’t be swayed once his mind is made up.

Somehow we’ve made it to the checkout already. Claudette did the entire shop on her own, while Aiden and I just walked next to her, not seeing a thing.

I hope there’ll be something edible amongst the bags of food. I’ve seen Claudette’s snack stash, and it’s not a healthy one. Aiden, with his super built body, strikes me as a fitness and health freak. This should be interesting.