Page 36 of A Second Dawn

Shoes, I’ll need some warm boots… and socks. How much time have I got left? Damn, I don’t have a watch or a phone to check.

Rushing to the shoe department, I pick the first pair I see. I have to try these on, though. There’s nothing worse than shoes that give you blisters.

I sit down on a chair, pull off my sneakers and slide into the boots. Yay, they fit. I high-five myself. I’m rocking this speed shopping challenge.

As I look up, I spot the dark-haired guy again, watching me with amusement. When he notices me staring, his face breaks out in a smile and he winks at me.

All color drains from my face.

I think he’s following me.

Chapter Nine


Myheartbeatvibratesthroughoutmy entire body. It’s loudest in my ears.

The volume is turned up to deafening drums when the guy pulls out his phone, and I see his lips move.

Who is he speaking to? Tiero?


I don’t bother putting my sneakers back on. I pick them up, throw them on top of my pile in the cart, and dash to the checkout. It garners more curious glances my way. I must look like I’m being chased by hornets or maybe a bear.

I glance over my shoulder and sure enough, the guy’s eyes are glued to me.

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

Aiden and Claudette are already waiting. How did they do this so fast? I don’t ask though. By my frantic expression, they can tell something is wrong.

“What happened?” Aiden asks, his eyes scanning for any signs of danger.

“There’s an Italian-looking guy, and he’s been following me.” They both look in the direction I came from.

“It’s probably nothing,” Aiden says, as he examines the guy. “Let’s just get out of here.” He unloads my cart, while the checkout girl starts to scan the items.

“He doesn’t have the vibe of a thug,” Claudette surmises after a minute.

“Well, you also thought the left door on the ship didn’t have the right vibe when we should have taken it,” I snap.

I don’t like my tone, but everything inside me is coiled tight and poor Claudette is at the receiving end.

But like always she just shrugs it off. She never seems to take anything personally. She reminds me of Rhia in that regard.

Shit, Rhia.

She’ll be waiting for my call. God knows what hell she’ll raise if she doesn’t hear from me.

“Umm… these shoes don’t come up on my scanner,” the checkout girl interrupts my panic.

She’s holding up my sneakers. Can’t she tell they’re worn?

Exasperated, I take off the boots and swap them for my shoes. “Sorry, I forgot I was wearing them,” I lie.

Turning around, I scan the crowd for the stranger who’s caused this latest eruption of anxiety.

“He disappeared into the store,” Aiden says, as he pays with his credit card. He obviously kept a close eye on the guy. “I think he was just taken with you.”