My eyes fall on Rhia first, then Ade, and my body tenses. Both of them are lying motionless on the sofas by the fireplace. Someone started a fire, the room cozy warm with the flames happily dancing.
My heart stutters as I rush to Rhia’s side, checking her pulse. It’s steadily beating beneath my fingertips.
Then I do the same with Ade.
Relief and anger are fighting for the top spot. I can’t believe this man!
Angrily, I turn to Tiero and pin him with an icy glare. I’m sure it rivals the glaciers in this national park.
“You drugged them? What is wrong with you?” I hiss through gritted teeth.
How dare he knock out the people I love?
“You know as well as I do that neither one of them would have stayed quiet.”
“Of course not. They’d want to protect me. Staying quiet goes against both their natures.”
Aiden in particular is trained to protect people. If captured, he’d always work on an escape plan.
“But that doesn’t mean you can just knock them out!” I’m so angry, my hands are shaking. “I can’t believe you did this. God, I’m so pissed with you!”
Tiero’s eyes narrow at my outburst, but wisely, he doesn’t say anything.
I take a deep breath to calm down. “How long will they be out for?” I ask, bouncing my gaze between the two people I’d do anything for.
“For the rest of the night. The sedative should wear off in the morning.”
“What if they suffer from side effects?”
Worry for their well-being grips me, causing my stomach to churn.
“Dr. Agosti is monitoring them. They’re fine.” Tiero tries to placate me.
Easy for him to say. How many times has he been drugged? It’s a horrible feeling when you first wake up.
I kneel beside Aiden, taking his hand in mine. He’s cooler than I’d like him to be, and I glance around, searching for a blanket. I find a few in a basket by the fireplace and go to retrieve a couple.
Tiero watches me as I drape one over Rhia and then Aiden. He looks so peaceful, and I long to stroke my fingers down his face.
I’m sorry you have to endure this because of me, I tell him in my mind.
“Has this man touched you?” Tiero’s voice suddenly comes from behind me. “Has he touched what’s mine?”
The audacity of this man! Some things never change.
I whirl around…. a little too quickly, my head spinning for a second.
“I amnotyour property,” I stab him in the chest with my index finger, annunciating each word.
“You’re right. You’re not my property,” he agrees to my utter surprise. “But you aremywoman. Nobody but me gets to touch you.”
My woman.
Outrage is the first thing that registers at his proclamation. It’s just so typical Tiero.