But strangely, that indignation is quickly overshadowed by a swooning sensation that sweeps over me.
Seriously, Ella?
What’s wrong with me, gushing over him being possessive?
I ignore the topic. Tiero must never know how close Aiden and I have become.
“Has he touched you?” he asks again, his expression stern.
“No. He’s been a perfect gentleman,” I reply, needing to protect Aiden at all costs.
If he knew about our kiss, he’d probably cut off every part of Aiden that touched me.
Wow, I kissed both Aiden and Tiero in the span of a single day.
If anyone had predicted this just yesterday, I’d have questioned their sanity. Yet, here I am, grappling with the reality of those moments.
Admittedly, it might be considered a lapse in judgment, but the truth is, I can’t bring myself to regret those kisses. They hold a resonance that still echoes deeply within me.
My world has been turned upside down in the blink of an eye, and while doubt and confusion cloud my mind, the pulsating excitement refuses to fade.
Tiero studies my face, and I lift mine defiantly. God, please don’t let him be able to read my thoughts.
“Aiden has become a close friend, and I won’t tolerate him being mistreated,” I declare.
Tiero bites his lip to stop himself from saying whatever was about to leave his mouth. I’m impressed with his restraint.
He eventually nods, accepting my explanation, but I think he can tell there’s more to Aiden and me. But as long as it remains in the unspoken realm, he doesn’t have to do anything about it, does he?
“Let’s head back to our cabin,” Tiero suggests.
Our cabin? How quickly he takes over everything. Last I checked, it was Aiden’s, Rhia’s and mine. “These two will be out all night. It gives us a chance to talk without interruptions. We need to sort out a few things.”
That much is true. Though I don’t know that there are any solutions to our issues. Nothing has changed. Tiero is still who he is, and so am I.
I don’t want to leave Rhia and Aiden, but there isn’t anything I can do for them in this instance.
Reluctantly, I let Tiero lead me outside, his hand to my lower back as we walk to the lakeside cabin in silence.
As we step into the room, a tangible unease fills the air. Tiero takes my jacket and his, carefully hanging them on the hooks by the door. The silence that descends upon us is heavy, each passing moment intensifying the mounting tension.
I walk to the fireplace, staring at the flickering flames. Their dancing shadows mirror the turmoil inside me as the impending conversation about our future looms.
I can’t see a path that would leave both of us content. Our worlds are too different, our viewpoints irreconcilable. In the oppressive silence, the chasm between us only grows.
The uncertainty of what lies ahead tightens the knot in my stomach, and I stiffen when Tiero comes up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.
It’s meant to be a soothing gesture, but it only accentuates the tension. I cradle my stomach protectively, wishing our baby could be shielded from this strain.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice soft. “You’ve been under a lot of stress—”
“Thatyouput me in,” I say, interrupting him.
He lets out a dejected breath, but doesn’t argue the point. He knows it’s true.
“I want to make things right between us, Ella. I want you by my side… always and forever. A life without you is unimaginable and not worth living.”
His words should elicit elation, but instead they pierce me like a sharp, icy knife, sending an unexpected wave of anguish through my heart. They leave me crumbling inside, the raw pain lingering beneath the surface.