Page 103 of A Second Dawn

I immediately miss the comfort of his arms.

“Stay here,” he repeats for the umpteenth time.

I roll my eyes at him in an exaggerated manner.

“Yes, sir,” I salute him as if we were in the army.

“I mean it.”

“I know! Now go and get my friend.”

He grins at me. This time he’s saluting me. “Yes, ma’am.”

I love that despite the seriousness of this situation, we still fill it with banter.

The last ten minutes were a rollercoaster of emotions. Who knew I’m capable of experiencing the entire spectrum in mere minutes.

I don’t know what happened after that first rush of elation from seeing Rhia, but I definitely didn’t expect dissolving into a heap of tears. But I recovered rather quickly.

Not sure I’m looking forward to more of this in the next few months. This isn’t me. Yet I seem powerless against it.

Poor Aiden and whoever else will have the pleasure of my company. Though Ade seemed to take it in his stride, being as sweet and supportive as ever. I’m so lucky!

From my spot in the RV’s driver’s seat, I watch as he stealthily weaves in and out between trees and buildings. On his way to Joseph’s café, his eyes scan everything around him. It’s as if I can feel the tension in his body reverberating in mine.

Despite no evidence to the contrary, he still believes this is a trap. Part of me agrees that Rhia being here is too good to be true.

Ade crouches low behind a building, observing the coming and goings for a few minutes.

I love how thorough he is.

Actually, I love everything about him. There isn’t a single thing I would change.

We kissed…

It really happened!

And holy crap, it was good. My knees go weak just remembering. Good thing I’m sitting down.

As wrong as it was to give into my baser needs, I don’t regret it. Not one second of it. In fact, I wish we hadn’t been interrupted.

I touch my lips where the feeling of him still lingers.

Smiling to myself, I tap my chin. I’m not sure what will happen next between us. As much as ever, I’m conflicted about what’s the right thing to do.

My attention returns to Ade, who continues to monitor the comings and goings from his position behind the building. When he’s satisfied there are no Italians or other suspects hanging around, he deftly crosses the road and enters the cafe.

The jingling of the doorbell makes Rhia look up from her phone and beam at him.

He doesn’t return her smile. In fact, he looks pissed off and Rhia’s smile fades.

I wish I was a fly on the wall, listening in as they exchange words.

Stop talking and come back here.

Not long now and I can hug my best friend.

My eyes grow damp again.