Page 102 of A Second Dawn

“What’s going on?” I ask, taking her hand and squeezing it to reassure her.

“I… I,” she hiccups, wrestling to get her emotions under control. “I don’t know,” she finally manages to push out as the first tears roll down her cheek. Within seconds, they’re streaming like a torrent, and I stare at her, baffled.

Her words too, flow like a river. “I’m just so happy to see Rhia. I’ve missed her so much, but I didn’t realize just how much until now. Rhia’s been my best friend for most of my life. She was my rock when my parents died, and she always encourages me to challenge my comfort zone. She’s the best person I’ve ever known. I can’t imagine spending the next few months without her or not hearing from her. You know we normally talk every day…” She rambles on and on as I keep wiping the ever-flowing tears from her face with a tissue.

Wow. As of late, Ella cries easily but never like this. Tara warned me that the pregnancy hormones will wreak havoc at some point.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m okay. Hormones,” she continues her teary ramble, affirming my suspicion. “I had hoped it was a myth that pregnant women lose their shit so easily. But…” She sniffles and grabs a tissue from her purse, blowing her nose loudly. “But it’s clearly true. And I’m pissed about it.”

I bite my lip to stifle my smile. Now would be the worst time to give into the laughter bubbling up. I’d probably undo all the progress we made today.

“Okay,” I mumble, before sinking my teeth into my lower lip again.

God, I hope she didn’t hear the amusement in my voice. The next few months promise to be interesting. I’m looking forward to them.

She’s so goddamn adorable right now. I want to swoop her up into my arms and bury my face in her soft hair.

So I do.

Except that I keep my eyes trained on what’s going on outside this vehicle. I can’t afford to completely lose focus.

Ella squeals as I lift her up and onto my lap. Caressing up and down the length of her arms, I rest my chin on top of her head.

“Take a deep breath, lucida. It will all be fine.”

I feel her shudder in my arms, but she’s a good girl and does as requested, drawing in a long breath.

“Will you be alright here by yourself?”

She nods against me, but I’m not convinced. I pull away from her and tilt her chin toward me.

“Youwillstay here, Ella.” I look at her sternly. “I mean it. Do not move from this spot.”

Her lips form an endearing pout I want to kiss to melt it away.

“But I want to see her,” she tries once more.

“And you will. But first, I will make sure this isn’t a trap. So you will do as you’re told and wait here. Am I clear?”

Pout firmly in place, she nods her head, not saying anything. Her mood all at once has changed from sobbing sad to obstinate headstrong.

Yep, the next few months won’t be boring.

“So help me God, Ella. If you don’t listen to me, Iwillput you over my knee for that spanking.”

Her eyes gleam with mischief. “I’m not opposed to it,” she teases.

I groan. “Ella!”

“Fine. I promise I’ll stay here.” She finally agrees.

I’m used to being in control, but I have a feeling this situation is slipping through my hands quicker than sand.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Aidenplacesasoftkiss on my lips and slides me off his lap.