We all laugh. Hard. Fat, happy tears streak down Maren’s face, and I catch them with my thumb. Our eyes meet. My heart beats thickly in my chest.

Oh, God.

Jen is right, I am in love.


. . .


Meet the Parents

On the dayTuck and I are supposed to have dinner with my parents, I wake up particularly early, feeling particularly awful.

Not only did I sleep like shit, thanks to the pregnancy-induced insomnia that hit this week. I’m also so nauseous I can’t move my head without feeling like I’m going to puke.

I cry quietly into my pillow. Dr. Yelich did say the “morning” sickness—it lasts all day for me—would peak between seven and nine weeks. I’m right there, a few days shy of ten.

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt more ill in my life.

Tuck stirs beside me, a low, growly murmur erupting from him when he rolls over and snuggles next to me.

I burrow into his warmth, tucking up my legs so that my ass presses into the cradle of his lap.

He’s hard.

Always, always hard.

“Morning.” He kisses the back of my neck, his scruff scraping the skin there. “You’re up early.”

His hand finds my breast. He gives it a gentle squeeze,which is usually a turn-on. But today, I’m nauseous enough that I feel excruciatingly tender everywhere, and his touch hurts.

I cry out in pain. Tuck freezes. “Maren? What’s wrong?”

I let out a sob. “Tuck, I can’t move. This nausea is vicious.”

“Aw, Tiny, I’m sorry. What can I get you? The doctor said eating something helps.”

“Crackers,” I manage. “Ginger ale.”

“On it.”

His footsteps are hurried as he grabs me what I need. He’s back a second later, cracking open a can of ice-cold ginger ale before handing it to me.

I sit up and drink it, wrapping the sheet around my torso. The cold air in the room makes my nipples feel like they’re being pulled off.

I reach over to turn the light on. Tuck’s face is creased with concern.

“I hate that you’re feeling so bad.”

Nibbling on a cracker, I swallow. “This is so hard, Tuck. Feeling awful but still having to go about your day like nothing’s wrong.”

“I’ll call my parents. Ask them if they can pick up Katie today and take her for the afternoon.”

I shake my head. “You’re always calling your parents, and they’re always so wonderful. I wish—” Ugh, I’m crying again. “I want to be able to call my parents to be there for us. I feel terrible that I’ve kept this from them.”

Tuck runs a hand up my back. “Tiny, you’re doing the best you can. And we haven’t told anyone outside of my parents and Jen. Well, and Riley, which means Lu knows too.” He told Riley about the baby after our ultrasound.