“If she notices me holding your hand, then we’ll tell her. But I think”—I clear my throat—“I need your support. I need to hold your hand, Maren.”

“Aw.” Maren searches my eyes. “You nervous?”

I shake my head. “Not at all. I’m...”So happy I could die.“I just like knowing you’re there. I’m excited.”

She smiles. “Me too.”

We step outside. Jen’s gaze immediately catches on Maren’s hand in mine. She smiles. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.”

“Y’all look... happy.” Jen’s eyes meet mine. “Like.Reallyhappy.”

“Did you get shots at the doctor?” Katie asks.

“No shots, thank goodness.” Maren taps our joined handsagainst her thigh. Glances up at me. “So, Katie, your daddy and I have some news we’d like to share with you.”

“I like the sound of this,” Jen says.

Not looking up from her purple slime, Katie replies, “Okay.”

“Squish, you’re going to be a big sister,” I say.

Katie still doesn’t look up from her slime. “Big sister?”

“Yeah. You’re going to have a new baby brother or sister soon.”

That gets her attention. She looks at me, eyes going wide as she gasps. “A real baby?”

“A real baby!” Maren says. “How awesome is that?”

Katie jumps to her feet. “Where is it? Can I hold it?”

“It’s in my tummy.” Maren takes Katie’s hand and puts it on her stomach. “Right there. The baby is very, very tiny right now, but it will grow bigger and bigger until it’s born.”

“Woooowwwww,” Katie says. “Sooooo tiny.”

Maren runs her hand over Katie’s head. “You’re such a good big sister already, being so sweet and gentle. Good job.”

“I love being a sister.” Katie leans her ear against Maren’s belly. “Shh! I can hear her!”

I’m crying. Maren is crying. Even my sister, who is always even-keeled, is wiping her eyes.

“I didn’t mean to crash y’all’s beautiful moment.” Jen goes up on her tiptoes to wrap me in a hug. “But this is just—it’s the best news, Tuck. I’m so happy for you.” Then she leans in to whisper: “I’m so happy you let them in.”


“Maren and the baby. Fatherhood has always been a good look on you.” She pulls back to look me in the eye. “So is love.”

“Jen.” Glancing at Maren, I blush so hard I feel it in the tips of my ears. “That’s not—I’m not?—”

“Sure you’re not,” Jen says.

Maren laughs, the sound a little nervous. “I... didn’t hear that?”

I bite my tongue. Literally. My sister just smiles.

“You don’t hear the baby?” Katie asks, keeping her ear on Maren’s stomach. “Because I do, and she says she don’t need no candy, so can I have hers? And a mimbosa? Auntie Jen likes those.”