Page 28 of Lost Kingdom

“Watch where you’re going next time, moron,” she said hotly. Her bear snarled in agreement, its hot breath on my face.

I groaned when I realized this wasn’t a random stranger. I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

“Um, do you mind …” I said, trying to get her to call off her bear.

“Nya, it’s all right,” she said, standing up and brushing off the dirt from her trousers. Her bear looked momentarily disappointed my head wasn’t going to become a late-night snack, but then backed off.

“Good to see you, Averee,” I said casually, like it was the most normal thing in the world to run into her here—literally. Because what’s the standard greeting for your ex-best friend—in a dark marketplace alley in the middle of the night—whose last words to you were “You’re an idiot”?

“What? How do you …?” She squinted at me, trying to figure out who I was. Her blonde hair swished in a high ponytail and perfectly matched the color of Nya’s shaggy sand-colored fur. Even though it was cold, she wore her sleeves pushed up to show her Kovakian tattoos like a badge of honor. Or maybe to elicit fear. I could never be sure with her. Her staff was strapped across her back just like mine would have been if I hadn’t hidden it with my other belongings a week ago. She clearly hadn’t considered me enough of a threat to brandish the weapon.

The Magi’s spell had her baffled. “Come on, my disguise isn’t that good.” Except, itwasbecause it had kept me alive in Malengard for days.

She recognized my voice before she noticed the gold of my irises. She stepped back, her expression growing wary. “Jeddak?”

My lips broke into a dapper smile as I got to my feet.

“What the …? Why is your face …? Why are you dressed like that? Where’s Kah? What’s going on?” She hurtled out questions like falling hailstones, the shock in her voice evident.

“It’s a long story,” I said, silently resolved to have serious words with Kah later for bumping me straight into my best friend. No,ex-best friend. Oh, he knew. He’d know the smell of Averee and Nya anywhere.

“I don’t understand?—”

“Shh,” I breathed, cutting her off when I heard the sound of boots echoing in the alley. The End Guards must still be on my tail. I caught Averee by the wrist and led her deeper into the shadows. Nya lumbered after us.

“What have you gotten yourself into this time, Jeddak?” she said, jerking her hand away. “Because I want no part of it. I can’t believe?—”

I pushed her flat against the wall and covered her mouth just as one of the Jakeen guards looked down the alley. Holding my breath, I ignored the wild look in Averee’s eyes and prayed that Nya didn’t maul me for touching her.

The guard took a few steps closer, peering into the darkness. If he was one of the Annundu Wolves, he would have smelled us from a block away. This guard didn’t seem to see us.

“Come on!” another guard shouted. “No one’s here. Let’s circle back to the market center.”

With that, the guards disappeared, leaving a weighted silence in their wake.

Averee shoved me off her.

“Typical,” she muttered to herself before glaring at me. “So?”

“So, what?”

“So, are you going to tell me what you’re doing a hundred of miles from Askeland, disguised likethat, and running away from the End Guards in the middle of the night without Kah?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“They’re not after me!” she said, exasperated.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t explain why you’re loitering in a deserted alley in a foreign marketplace in the dead of night.” Being friends for so long, I knew how to get under her skin … and old habits are hard to break.

“Fine. Don’t tell me. Just don’t expect me to keep my mouth shut if the End Guards question me,” she said with a huff, shooting me a poisonous look. She adjusted the strap of her staff across her shoulders. “Come on, Nya.”

Nya’s growl shook the still air as they walked away.

“Really, Jeddak?” Kah said with a sigh.

“She wouldn’t understand,” I said, running my fingers through my hair when she disappeared around the corner.
