Page 29 of Lost Kingdom

“She’s obviously still mad at me.”Shewas the one who’d broken our friendship, not me. If she wanted to fix it, she would have to make the effort.

“Uh-huh.” His tone was flat, judging.

I shook my head for Kah to zip it and stared down the empty alley. A minute passed in silence.

Kah huffed.


“Averee!” I called out, jogging after her. “Wait!”

“What do you want?” she said, not looking back.

“Can we find a place to talk?”


“Listen, there might be a reason we’re both here at the same time. We might be able to help each other.”

“Nya and I don’t need your help. And because you ditched Kah, it seems pretty obvious that you don’t need anyone’s help either. I can’t believe that I ever—” She cut herself off with a loud huff.

“Averee, it’s not like that?—”

She ignored me, turning between a row of tents.

“Averee, wait.” It was Kah’s voice. Bears didn’t often let their voices be heard by anyone except their companions, but I guess Kah felt it necessary to save the day.

Both Averee and Nya whirled around.

“I’m here with Jeddak,” Kah’s voice said.

I pointed at the enchanted pendant around my neck.

Nya tilted her head in confusion. Averee’s eyes became saucers.

“I bought a transformation spell from a Magi to make me look like a Rathalan guard,” I explained.

Her mouth fell open.

“Atemporaryone,” I added quickly. “Look, can we go somewhere to talk?”

After what seemed like an hour, her fists unclenched, and she nodded. “Fine. I know a place.”



Ibit down on Meat’s hand. Hard.

He grunted in pain, releasing his grip on me. “Bitch!”

I stumbled away from him, grabbing the only thing I could reach—a heavy candlestick from the bedside table.

“The commander isn’t going to like it if he comes back to find me dead,” I said, my blood pounding in my veins. I had no idea if that was true. The commander might not bat an eye at my lifeless body on his floor.

Meat’s lips curled. “I’ll just tell him you were trying to escape. And I was following orders, making sure you were dead before you reached the hallway.”

“Blaze off,” I spat, backing up toward the wall as he advanced. I tightened my grip on the candlestick to counteract my shaking. This time I knew he wouldn’t stop until he killed me.