Page 78 of Wolf Arranged

My heart plummeted and then started to pound. My pulse roared in my ears, and sweat beaded my brow. “What are you doing here, then?”

I swallowed and fisted my hands at my side. I wasn’t going to like his answer.

Mikey rubbed his forearm under his nose and then pointed at me. No, he was pointing at Willa.

“That bitch has no right to be breathing our air and accepting our hospitality anymore. She’s weak. I’m here to do what my father didn’t. It’s for the best. Get out of my way, Sloane. You’ve been a good girl so far. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” Hisvoice came out a purr, and he waggled his eyebrows like he was flirting and not threatening my life.

“No.” I shook my head and lifted both arms to protect my face and torso. My skin crawled as the hairs on the back of my neck rose. “Why don’t you think about this? Your dad let her live for a reason, and Sawyer… He’ll be angry too if you kill his pup. And don’t forget about Lincoln. He’s not far away.”

Where was he? My mouth went dry, and I broke out in a cold sweat. How long until he came back? Would he sense my fear? Was our bond strong enough for that?

Lincoln! I need you!

Could he hear my thoughts?

Mikey snorted as he laughed. “My dad is the one who set this up. Why do you think Lincoln got called away? He had Sawyer call out to him with that weird telepathic link they have.” He made a face as he appraised me. “You weren’t supposed to be in here, but I just need you to stand aside. You don’t have to get hurt.”

“No!” I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth. “Sawyer will be pissed when he finds out what you did. Lincoln too.”

Mikey rolled his eyes. “I don’t give two shits about Sawyer. He’s as weak as she is. If he wasn’t Daddy’s prized alpha, I’d take him out too. We all know he’s not alpha material. Same goes for Lincoln. He’s… Fuck, I don’t even know what to call him. A lost cause. Loser. Terrified of his own shadow.”

He threw his head back and cackled like he was telling jokes.

I gritted my teeth and stayed light on my feet. “Why don’t you leave before something happens we can’t take back? I’ll tell Lincoln it was a misunderstanding.”

He put a hand on his chest and took a menacing step forward. “Am I supposed to be afraid of little old you?” His lip curled up in a snarl. “Girl, you don’t want to know what I could do to you.”

His eyes roamed my body, sliding to my mouth and then to my chest. He licked his lips, letting his tongue linger on his top one. “I could do so many things to you, girl.”

I shivered at his threat and drew in a shuddering breath. No, I didn’t want to know what he was capable of, but I wasn’t going to step aside so he could put his paws on Willa, either. He was going to have to go through me.

He stomped toward me.

I brought my fists up like Lincoln had shown me. “Stay back.”

He didn’t stop, but he did laugh. “Or what?”

I clasped my hands into tight balls as angry heat crept over my cheeks. Once he was close enough, I jabbed with my left and then followed it up with my right, pivoting just like Lincoln had shown me.

Mikey hadn’t been expecting my strikes. He reeled back, sputtering after both my punches connected. He rubbed his jaw, his eyes widening. Blood smeared across his cheek.

“Bitch, you are going to pay for that.”

He lunged.

I didn’t have time to react before he was on me, dragging me to the ground. Willa shrieked my name as I screamed.

I hit the floor with a thud, hard enough to knock the wind out of my lungs. I wheezed, trying to draw in a breath that didn’t want to come.

Mikey pressed his arm into my neck, blocking my airway.

Willa shrieked for help. Not that it would do any good. Willa had said these walls were soundproof, and Mikey knew it.

Lincoln! Help!

I prayed to Luna he could hear me and that he would get here in time. I just needed to hold Mikey off long enough for Lincoln to show up.

But right now, it was up to me, and I wasn’t going to let Willa down.