Page 77 of Wolf Arranged

I ran a hand through my hair. It looked like I was going to have to make do with soap and water.

The linen closet was in the corner of the bathroom like Lincoln’s was. I grabbed a big towel and then a few washcloths, took them back out, and set them on the foot of the bed.

There was a bowl for cereal on the tray. It was empty and still looked clean. The milk and cereal were off to the side. I went back to the sink and filled it with warm water, and then I set it down on the end table and sat back down next to Willa.

“This is probably going to hurt.” I gave her a sympathetic look.

Willa picked up one of the pillows from the opposite side of the bed and squeezed it to her chest. “I’m ready.”

I dipped the washcloth in the soapy water and dabbed it gently along the wound. It was so inflamed, and with the streaks, I feared sepsis might be setting in. I wondered if Lincoln had any antibiotics in that tackle box. Even if he did, would they be safe to give her with the baby?

“Thanks for being such a good friend, Sloane,” Willa said through gritted teeth.

I peeked up at her. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and her face was ghastly pale. I went back to work.

“So you and Jacob mated, then?” I asked, hoping the conversation would help.

“Yeah,” she said breathlessly. She grimaced as I inched toward the deeper spots. “You and Lincoln have too? I can smell him all over you.”

I smiled and lifted the washcloth so I could rinse it in the bowl. “We have.” Sawyer too. “I thought I was going to come here and…” I didn’t want to say the words. “At least one good thing has come from all this. Lincoln is a good guy. I’m glad that we were brought together.”

“Do you love him?” Willa gasped as I dabbed at her wound.

I paused and then started cleaning her leg again. Love. It was such a strong, powerful word. Yet, I didn’t think it was strong enough to describe how I felt for Lincoln or Sawyer.

“I think it’s deeper than that. But…yeah.” Even now, I could feel both of them. I reached out with my mind, searching for them.

Sawyer was a giant ball of apprehension. Lincoln… He seemed mad. Furious, even.

His emotions threw me off guard.

What was going on? It had to have something to do with why he’d abruptly shoved me in here. It had been so unlike him.

I set the washcloth in the bowl and sighed as I looked at the wound. It still looked horrendous, but at least I’d cleaned it. “Let’s let this air-dry for a few, and then we’ll use the honey.”

“Honey?” Willa opened one eye and then the other.

“It’s the only thing I could find. It should help draw out some of the infection.” At least I hoped it would.

“Sawyer offered to get me antibiotics, but he didn’t know if it would hurt my baby.” She put her hand on her belly. “I didn’t want to risk it.” She sat up again and looked at her leg. “Maybe I should have. It doesn’t matter if it hurts the baby if I’m dead.”

I put my hand just below her knee. “You are not going to die.”

Willa opened her mouth, but whatever she was going to say died when the doorknob jiggled. Then the door swung open.

I turned, expecting Lincoln. My heart dropped, and I tensed. It wasn’t Lincoln.

It was someone far worse. Mikey.

And judging by the glint in his eyes, he was up to no good.


I shot to myfeet and took a defensive stance, putting myself between Willa and Mikey. “Sawyer and Lincoln aren’t in here.”

Maybe his barging in was a mistake.Please let it be a mistake.

Mikey grinned and shut the door. “I’m not looking for either of them.”