Page 57 of Wolf Arranged

Alpha Dane lowered his hand to his side as he narrowed his eyes. “Pregnant? How can you be sure?”

My chest heaved as I tried to control my labored breathing. “My mom is the midwife back home. I’ve helped her deliver dozens of babies for the pack. I’d recognize the scent of a pregnant woman anywhere. It’s faint, but she is.”

I covered my mouth with a shaking hand as Alpha Dane took a step toward me. His eyes gaze wandered over me. I met his eyes and then glanced away.

“I don’t tolerate liars in my pack either, Sloane. If I find out you are lying, you will suffer a similar fate as them.” He pointed to the bodies on the ground.

My mouth went dry. I swallowed and met his gaze head-on. “It’s the truth. She’s pregnant.”

Alpha Dane regarded me for a long moment. His eyes narrowed into tiny slits, scrutinizing me. The blood drained from my face, and I wavered on my feet.

What if he didn’t believe me? Or worse, didn’t care about Willa’s condition. He might kill her anyway.

I held my breath while biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying.

The seconds ticked by endlessly. His eyes remained on me, watching, until he turned away and motioned someone else over. The two talked in hushed tones, making it impossible for me to hear.

They must have come to a conclusion because they called Sawyer over. He wasted no time and scooped Willa up into his arms, carrying her like a child away from his father.

Lincoln hurried to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and guided me away. The crowd parted for us, and we made our way into the house.

It all happened in a blur, and before I knew it, we were in his room and the door was shut and latched. Like that would keep anyone out if they really wanted in.

I walked on unstable legs to the bed and flopped onto my belly, burying my face in the comforter.

The implication of my words hit me, and I sucked in a sharp breath. Willa was pregnant. There was only one person who could have helped her get into that situation. Tears welled in my eyes, and my bottom lip trembled.

Willa and Sawyer had lied about the extent of their relationship to me. My heart thudded painfully, and that hole that had been growing in my chest ripped wide open.

I rolled to my back and put my hand over my chest like that could do anything to make the burning pain go away.

A sob tore from my throat, and I covered my eyes with both hands.

The bed dipped next to me, and Lincoln pulled me into his lap. “Sloane.”

I tried to speak, but only a croak came out. I shuddered as I continued to cry.

Lincoln combed his fingers through my hair. “It’s okay. It’s over now.”

I squeezed my eyes shut as more tears trickled out. It wasn’t over. I’d saved Willa’s life. For that, I’d be grateful, but Willa and Sawyer had both lied to me.

I gazed up at Lincoln through my teary eyes. “She’s pregnant, and it’s Sawyer’s.”

Lincoln’s hand stopped halfway through my hair. His mouth opened in an O shape, but he didn’t say anything.

My bottom lip trembled as I situated myself in his lap. “Why did they lie about their relationship?”

He continued to comb his fingers through my hair. “I don’t know. I’m sure Sawyer didn’t want to hurt you.” He frowned and shook his head. “Sloane, are you sure? Sawyer wouldn’t lie about that. I know my brother. He wouldn’t lie about that, even if it would hurt us. You’re sure she’s really pregnant?”

I hiccupped. “My mother really is the pack’s midwife, and I really have helped with births in the pack. I’m not wrong.”

Which meant he had lied to us. That was even worse.

“I hope you’re not wrong. But just in case Father comes here looking for you, I’ll stall him, and you go out the window. You go to the cave and hide there, or you run along the river to the tree that’s broken in an X shape and cut right to the road. There’s a green Honda there. The keys are under the seat.”

“And go where?”

“Anywhere.” He cupped my cheeks and placed a tender kiss on my lips. “I won’t let him hurt you.”