Page 56 of Wolf Arranged


Sweat beaded my brow and my spine stiffened as my name was belted out above the cheers.

The crowd quieted. Heat rushed over my face and neck. My heart started to beat a million miles a minute as Alpha Dane stared at me.

He waved me over to him. “Come here, Sloane.”

I opened my mouth, but only a squeak came out. Willa’s head snapped up. Her eyes met mine, and her bottom lip trembled. I had to save her. But how?

And what did the alpha want with me?

Alpha Dane marched toward me, a wide grin spreading across his face. Lincoln stepped in front of me and pumped his fists at his side. Sawyer stepped out from the crowd too and moved toward us.

Lincoln moved right in front of me. “Dad, she didn’t do anything.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Don’t worry, son. I’m not going to hurt her. But I do want her to know what happens to those who betray us.” He held his hand out and glowered at me over Lincoln’s shoulder. “Come here, Sloane.”

Lincoln looked at me. His jaw was set and his brows were dipped into a scowl, but he gave me a nod.

I pursed my lips and moved around him. My knees shook, and I half expected to face-plant from my wobbly knees.

Please don’t fall.

I blew out a breath and held my head tall while trying to get my footing.

Alpha Dane grasped my elbow with his non-shifted hand and led me toward Willa. My stomach rebelled at him touching me, but my brain was glad that I didn’t have to rely solely on myself to walk.

My body trembled so hard my teeth started to chatter. Tears clouded my vision. We came to a stop right in front of Willa.

She was openly sobbing now. Her eyes were cast down at the ground again. She had three long claw marks on her leg. The wounds were deep and bleeding profusely.

Oh, Willa.

Alpha Dane let go of my arm. “I told you both what would happen if you tried anything. You knew the rules. I was very clear, wasn’t I, Sloane?”

I shrank away under his scrutinizing gaze. His eyes blazed as he glared at me. He wanted an answer and nothing would come out of my mouth, so I nodded instead.

Alpha Dane took a step toward Willa. “I honor my word. It’s why my men have come to respect me.”

Willa sobbed harder.

I covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. My head swam, and I swayed on my feet. He was going to kill her right in front of me.

The wind blew, and I prayed the breeze kept up long enough to keep me from passing out. I drew in a deep breath.

Willa’s scent hit me like a Mack truck. It was familiar, yet there was something different about it. Something… A scent I’d smelled before.

My eyes popped open just as Alpha Dane was lifting his hand to deliver the deafening blow that would end Willa’s life.

“Wait!” My voice was a hoarse croak, but loud enough to make Alpha Dane pause and just about everyone behind me to collectively gasp.

My skin crawled as all eyes turned toward me. Willa looked up at me through teary eyes.

The wind blew again, and this time I recognized the scent. I drew in a deep breath, wishing I could make my hammering heart quiet just a little. “You can’t kill her.”

Alpha Dane cocked his head to the side. “Oh?!”

I licked my lips and took another step forward. “She’s pregnant.”