Page 58 of Wolf Arranged

I closed my eyes and let out a slow, long exhale. “I couldn’t let him kill her.”

“I know, but that was reckless.” He kissed the top of my head. “Sloane, he’s unstable. He could have struck you down, too, just for speaking out of turn.”

I closed my eyes. “But he didn’t.”

I’d be the first to admit that standing up to him had surprised even me.

“He didn’t. This time. You might not be so lucky next time. If anything had happened to you…” He looked away from me.

“He isn’t going to kill Willa, right?” We’d just left. What if he changed his mind?

Lincoln frowned and pulled me closer. “I don’t think so. If he thinks that she’s carrying Sawyer’s child, he’ll let her live long enough to give birth. After that…”

I shivered. She was an incubator now. That was it. “We’ll have to come up with a plan before then.”

I pulled away from him and crawled across his bed, and then I grabbed the laptop from the end table and put it between us. “There were way more of the Delidos yesterday than we saw today. What if some are still out there?”

Lincoln picked up the laptop and opened it. “I have an idea. It’s risky.”

I moved so I was sitting next to him and crossed my legs in front of me. “What is it?”

We were running out of time.

Lincoln’s fingers tapped the keys as he put in his passcode and pulled up a new web browser. “I’ve been working on a way for us to set up a meeting. Sawyer and I know that we need to assemble, but putting ourselves out there is risky. We don’t know who we can trust. My dad… He’s everywhere.”

“I know.”

“Our idea has always been to secure a place to meet. The question is where, and how do we keep people who would betray us from finding out?” He mashed his finger down on the enter key, and a website pulled up.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. There wasn’t a way to vet people. We’d have to take their word for it. That was terrifying.

Lincoln’s fingers hovered over the keyboard. “If my dad ever found out about what we’ve been planning, he would kill us.” He laughed and shook his head. “If you’re right about Sawyer and Willa, we’ve just given him everything he needs to do it, too. He’d have his heir. Their child will be an alpha. Firstborn for an alpha is always a male.”

I covered my mouth. “Oh no.”

He was right. Alpha Dane could start fresh with that baby and mold them into his image. That poor, innocent child wouldn’t have a chance.

Lincoln blew out a breath. “He’ll kill Willa right after the birth. You bought her time, Sloane, but she still has a death sentence. Sawyer and I had our mother’s love and a father who wasn’t psychotic. That child won’t have that. My father could mold that baby into anything he wanted.”

I shuddered at the thought. It would be a cold-blooded killer like Mikey. Probably worse.

“Then we can’t fail.” My voice cracked as I said the words.

Lincoln shook his head. “No.”

I rolled my tongue between my teeth as I considered our options. We didn’t have a choice. “Let’s set a time and place. We’ll see who shows up. And hope our enemies remain unaware.”

Lincoln drew in a shaky breath and then let it out. “We’ll need time for the word to spread and for people to assemble. It would be best for it to be farther away from here. My dad wouldn’t fly half the pack across the US. It would leave us vulnerable.”

“Somewhere on the East Coast, then.”

Lincoln pulled up a map of the US. “Populated too. He might be crazy, but he wouldn’t draw unwanted attention to us in front of humans. Plus, if something were to happen, it would make it easy for us to run and blend in. It’d give everyone a chance to get away.”

I chewed on my thumbnail as I thought about cities on the East Coast. “What about New York or Chicago?”

Lincoln shook his head. “No. There would be nowhere for us to change into our wolves.”

I arched my brow. “And that’s a bad thing?”