She kneeled on the hard floor and said a prayer.
Please let him recover fully and please, if it be Your will, let us be together. In the Savior’s name. Amen.
Brylee didn’t dare ask for a miracle with his cancer. Maybe someday. Today it was enough for him to recover from three gunshot wounds and too much blood loss.
Standing, she walked to the door. She was tired. Her legs were weak. She hadn’t eaten much since Cash had been shot. Mercedes fussed over her and Shawn was quietly concerned and ordered a lot of other people around.
Tomorrow, they’d have to fly to wherever their new show was. She’d miss Mercedes, but the jury was still out on Shawn. He seemed to be a good guy and obviously was head over heels for Mercedes, but his pale blue eyes were just … cold.
A hard rap came on the door as she reached it. She pulled it open.
“Miss Brylee.” Mary beamed at her. “Come now. I didn’t even have to wake you up.” She grabbed her hand and tugged at her.
“Mary? What’s going on?”
“He’s awake and begging for his Brylee.”
Brylee faltered for half a step. Then she let out a whoop and she ran down the hall toward the ICU.
“Oh my! Wait up, you young thing,” Mary called.
Brylee couldn’t wait. She reached the doors, and luckily Jasmine must’ve seen her coming. The door buzzed open, and Jasmine called, “I heard your man is calling for you, girl.”
“Thank you!” Brylee raced past the desk, turned right, and down two doors. Bursting into Cash’s room, she shoved the curtain aside and there he was.
“Brylee.” He said her name so reverently.
She rushed to him, then stopped. She didn’t want to hurt him. He was on a slight incline but still lying down. He had a little more color, and his hair was damp and brushed back. His dark eyes were fixated on her and so full of love she almost flung herself on top of him.
“Now, you two,” Mary gasped from the doorway. “No monkey business.” She drew in a quick breath. “You hear me? You know the rules, Cash.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Cash said, not taking his gaze from Brylee. “No sitting up. No getting out of bed. No ripping out my IVs. No pulling Brylee onto my wounds.” He smirked.
“Thank you. Now I’m going to give you a little privacy, but don’t you make me regret it.”
“Never.” Cash smiled at Brylee.
“Oh, Cash.” She sank onto the edge of his bed, careful not to disturb him, but she had to be closer.
He reached out with his right hand and cupped her cheek. His left arm was bound from the bullet wound. “Brylee. You’re all right.” His gaze seemed to feast on her.
“I’m all right?” She shook her head. “You’re the one we were all worried about and praying for.”
“Thank you. I survived.” He smiled, but it slid away.
Terror raced through her. Was this when he would tell her they couldn’t be together because he couldn’t survive? She didn’t know how to fight him on his decision, but she would. Maybe she’d just follow him around until he died, give him no choice in the matter. Maybe a miracle would happen and he’d be one case who lasted … longer.
She didn’t care how short their time might be. She only cared about him.
“Bry. When I woke up, the panic to see you, to have you close … It was the most overwhelming thing I’ve ever felt.”
Brylee put her hand on his strong chest, right over his heart. “I understand. Not knowing if you’d live until the helicopter got there, then until you got to the hospital. Panic is a good word, but not strong enough.” She swallowed and admitted, “I love you, Cash. I can’t stand to be away from you ever again.”
He studied her. His dark eyes were deep and warm and beautiful. What would he say, though? Would he push her away?
“Brylee. I love you.”