Page 20 of Strictly Business

I wake up and I have no idea where I am. I’m lying in a pool of cold water and Wyatt is there. He is wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. His toned body looks amazing, covered in a sheen of moisture and glistening in the light. I want to reach out and touch him, to lick him all over.

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t know you were still in here,” he says.

He might be sorry but I’m not. I am very much enjoying this view, even if I have no real idea what’s going on. Wyatt starts to back off, the door closing behind him.

“Wyatt, wait,” I say. He stops and I freeze for a second. I asked him to wait without thinking because I need to feel his body against mine, need to feel his hands on my skin. I can’t say that though. I think quickly and settle for something else. “Where am I? Why am I in a tub of cold water?”

Wyatt stops backing away and stops pulling the door closed. He smiles at me and shakes his head but not in a bad way, in a way that says I am amusing to him.

“You’re in the bath. You must have fallen asleep,” he says.

I look down and see the thick layer of bubbles coating me and I realize he is right. I’m staying at his place because my keys are stuck in the office, and I vaguely remember getting into a red-hot bath and telling myself I was just going to close my eyes for five minutes. I laugh softly.

“Wow. I must have been out for the count,” I say. “This water really is cold.”

I sit up and the bubbles start to slide down off me. Wyatt jumps forward and grabs a towel and hands it to me to cover myself. As I reach out to touch it, his hand brushes mine and he sucks air in through his teeth and I know he felt that jolt of desire the same as I did. There’s no way he thought that was just static electricity. His reaction said it all. Without giving myself time to over think things and chicken out, I reach up and cup the back of his head, pulling his face down to mine until our lips meet.

For a second, I wonder what Brook would think of this. Would she be proud of me? I mean it wasn’t exactly subtle, but I sure let Wyatt know I like him.

For a moment, Wyatt kisses me back and I can taste the salty sweat on his lips from his workout and his tongue pushes against mine and I want him to devour me. All too soon though, Wyatt pulls back from me and shakes his head.

“Shit. Sorry Serena. That … that shouldn’t have happened,” he says.

He puts the towel down on the side of the bath and leaves the bathroom without looking back. I can’t help but smile to myself. That kiss was every bit as magical as I had hoped it would be, and I might have believed that Wyatt was sorry about it if it wasn’t for the fact that I could see his huge hard on through his shorts.



Iget up quickly once I’m alone. I step out of the bath and wrap the towel around me because I really am cold now. I pull the plug and wait impatiently for the water to empty out of the bathtub. Once it does, I rinse it around and then I leave the bathroom. I call out to Wyatt and let him know I’m done. I’m not sure where abouts in the apartment he is, but he answers me, so he has obviously heard me.

I go to my room, and I let the towel fall to the ground and then I pull on the robe I found hanging in the closet and then I get underneath the covers to warm myself through a little bit. I lay there, my mind going to Wyatt and his mouth on mine. Oh, why couldn’t he have just let go of his inhibitions and showed me heaven. I bet if he had, I wouldn’t be cold now, that’s for sure.

At some point, I hear Wyatt going into the bathroom and then I hear the shower going on. A shiver of desire goes through me at the thought of Wyatt being naked and so close to me. Without being conscious of doing it, I open the robe and push it apart. I open my legs and slip my fingers between my lips and rub them back and forth over my clit as I see Wyatt in my mind’s eye, naked, wet and utterly fucking gorgeous.

I keep rubbing myself, enjoying the sensation and the images of Wyatt in my mind. I’m not far from coming when I hear the water shut off. I have more than enough imagination to finish myself off without the sound of the shower running, but I pull my hand away from myself anyway. I have decided that I’m done messing around. Now I know for sure that Wyatt wants me as much as I want him, I am going to hold myself back from orgasming until I can have the real thing. And I am going to do everything in my power to see that it happens tonight.

I ask myself what Brook would do in this situation, and I smile to myself as the answer comes to me. Am I going to dare to do it though? You know what, I really think I am.

I wait for around fifteen agonizing minutes after the water shuts off. I figure that’s plenty enough time for Wyatt to get back to the bedroom, dry off, sort anything he wants to sort for tomorrow, and get into bed. I want him in bed comfortable and relaxed when I go to him. I don’t want him tense or in the middle of something, so I force myself to wait another few excruciating minutes. I don’t want to wait too long and go too far the other way and have Wyatt already be deeply asleep when I go to him.

Finally, I decide that I can’t wait any longer. More than enough time has to have passed and I slip out of bed. I keep the robe on, but it won’t be on for long. I leave my room and make my way towards Wyatt ‘s room. My stomach is churning in excitement and my body tingles at the thought of what I am about to do. I get to Wyatt’s room, and I raise my hand to knock but I decide against it. It will be too easy for Wyatt to ignore a knock and just pretend he was asleep if I question him about it later. I can’t just barge in there though – that’s too forward and rude. I think for a minute and then I knock on the door and call out at the same time.

“Wyatt? It’s me, Serena. Can I come in for a minute please?” I ask.

“Yeah, come on in,” Wyatt replies from the other side of the door.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly and then I open the door and go into the room. Wyatt is on his bed. He is sitting up with the sheet and duvet loosely piled in his lap.

“Are you ok?” he asks as I walk further into the room.

I nod and keep walking. When I’m a few feet away from the bed, I stop walking.

“I can’t sleep,” I say. “I thought maybe you could help me.”

“I don’t know how, but if you …” Wyatt is saying, but he stops talking, presumably in shock, when I reach up and open the robe and then let it slip down my arms and onto the ground.

I watch as Wyatt’s pupils widen, his eyes lustful. He bites down on his bottom lip and looks at me and I smile in what I hope is a sexy way. It must have been something like close to right because Wyatt makes a low growling sound in his throat and then he’s pushing the covers back and getting to his feet. His workout shorts are gone, and I moan with desire when I see his hard cock.