Page 34 of Covert Tactics


Amelia thought she might kiss Rory when he agreed to let her go with him to the compound two days later.

She planned to kiss him anyway, but the fact that she was getting out of SFI for a break made her heart sing. If she’d been able to work like usual, it wouldn’t have bothered her, but since she was on light duty for another five weeks, she was going crazy.

Rory had been equal parts helpful and annoying. He’d made sure she had plenty of good books, puzzles, and her favorite music. After finishing three novels and whipping through all the crosswords, plus, nailing sixteen levels on her favorite candy game app on her phone, she needed an adventure.

She’d even done several sessions with patients in her therapy room and it had gone great, but Jax and Beatrice insisted she stick to less than two a day, and only for thirty-minute intervals.

HQ had become a prison rather than her home.

To breathe fresh air, to get away from the worried looks of the others—yes, today was her day.

Rory and Beatrice had thought it interesting that she’d remembered the man who’d come to her home before the house fire, and her mother had confirmed that she’d told the police. Their official report did not, however, list him or suggest that the fire was suspicious in any way.

That in itself was suspicious, Rory had claimed, but he’d let it go after Amelia had griped at him about his level of paranoia.

She wasn’t fooled—everyone had stopped talking about the mugging, focusing only on how she was feeling—but they hadn’t stopped investigating. She’d seen the pointed looks between Rory and Moe, had overheard Beatrice tell Trace to run a background check on Jose as well as a list of other people she’d given him.

Even Parker was in on it. She’s made up a new training mission for Ian—he was also attending the fundraiser Thursday night with Vivi as his date. Vivi had suddenly rearranged her schedule and had taken him shopping for a tux.

Amelia wondered if Rory was going to wear one. He’d look good in it.

At the moment, the man in question was squinting at a cable running from one end of the room to the other and speaking into Bluetooth. “This will never work. We can’t have these out in the open like this. The electrician was instructed to run them all inside the wall.”

A waft of fresh air teased her nose as she sat close to an open window. In the other building, they never opened windows for security reasons. Here, the compound was inside several layers of fencing, both physical and electronic. The whole place had the latest in safety measures, including keeping unwanted eavesdroppers out. “The Bat Cave Bubble” Rory called it. Like a Stealth bomber, the place was nearly undetectable from the air thanks to reflective panels, and was almost entirely off the grid.

Birdsong trickled to her and she smiled. She already loved it here, her new PT digs completed and waiting for her first patient.

Using the scooter Rory had brought with them, she angled it for her new office, pausing a moment in the doorway to admire the modern furniture and glass-topped desk that was all hers. Making her way to the white leather chair, she shifted from the scooter to sit in it, running her fingers over the padded arm rests. It even had a footstool so she could recline and rest between patients or when she was working late.

She used it now to lift her legs and close her eyes as the ergonomic back cushioned her into a reclining position. A soft “ahh” escaped her lips. Imagining working in this environment was a dream come true.

Her breathing evened out and she sunk a bit deeper into the supportive comfort. Sleep beckoned, even though she’d been getting plenty in Rory’s quarters these past few nights. Seemed she should stay in her own room, but she couldn’t seem to make herself return there. Alone.

Never had seven days seemed so long.Only four more, she reminded herself.

“Looks good on you,” a deep male voice said.

She peeled her eyes open and sighed languidly. “This place is amazing.”

“Told you.” He leaned on the doorframe watching her, his eyes pools of intensity that sent shivers up her spine.

She swallowed hard. “I noticed several golf carts around back. Take me on a tour of the grounds?”

He glanced toward Ops, seeming to debate with himself. “Sure. I could use a change of scenery.”

She waited on a bench in the lobby until he appeared out front, then he helped her climb onto the tricked-out cart. Each one had been given a name that was painted on the front and rear bumpers. Rory had chosenBatman. He’d glued a bobblehead figurine of the famous superhero to the dash.

“You have your own transport?”

He grinned smugly. “Yep, this Batmobile is all mine. Any of the tadpoles touch it and I’ll sabotage their underwear.”

“Pretty sure I don’t want to know what that involves.”

Much like a golf course, the compound had paved pathways that could be used for bikes, ATVs, the carts, and for walking and jogging. The vehicles were equipped with a communication device, GPS, and assorted weatherproof receptacles for sports equipment, weapons, and tools.

After he took her past all of the buildings, describing them in detail, he drove to the lake. The late spring day was sunny and warm and Amelia turned her face up to the sky, soaking it in.