Page 33 of Covert Tactics

“Got any more coffee?” Moe asked, heading for the espresso machine.

Vivi pointed a finger at him. “Touch it and you die.”

“Touch it and you die,” Sherlock mocked.

Moe held up both hands and sidled back to Parker. “Touchy much?”

Rory bent down on one knee, bringing himself eye-to-eye with Amelia. “I’m not trying to smother you. Gatherings like this make me twitchy on my best day, and I haven’t had a decent one of those in a while.”

Her face softened and she issued a slightly remorseful sigh. “Oh, Rory. I know and I’m sorry. You don’t have to attend.”

“Yes, I do,” he said. “Not just for you.”

She glanced up at the group. “So, you’re all going?”

Parker smiled. “It’s for a good cause.”

Amelia wasn’t fooled. To Beatrice, she said, “You’re joining us in order to keep tabs on me.”

Beatrice put an arm through Cal’s. “We want to support Hannahandyou. Win-win.”

Cal rolled his eyes. “What she actually means is, we want to keep an eye on him.” He pointed at Rory.

Understanding lit Amelia’s face, and she laid a hand on Rory’s shoulder. “In case you have an episode.”

Referring to his PTSD. Vivi saw his jaw tighten. Oh boy. Had he told her about it? That was progress.

Apparently so. He bobbed his head once and stood. “Cal and B were there the night I was shot.”

“We know his triggers,” Beatrice said gently.

Amelia looked abashed, while Vivi thought they all should get awards for this performance.

“I shouldn’t have been so hard on you,” Amelia said to him, returning her cup to the desk before reaching for her crutch. Rory instantly scooped it up and handed it to her.

“Just to be clear,” Moe said, “I’m going for the appetizers and champagne. If he freaks out in the middle of the things, you blokes are on your own.”

Parker elbowed him and Rory reached over to boff him upside the head, but grinning like a maniac, Moe dodged it. “You love me, and you know it, Batman.”

“Vivi!” Ian sprinted in, interrupting Rory’s retort.

She came to her feet. “What?”

He drew up short at the sight of the others, then weaved his way to her side. “The Justice Department handed down formal charges against Ingstrom. Interpol is next in line. I did it. I nailed that bastard’s ass.”

“With help from me,” Rory added with an air of indignation.

Vivi detested Ingstrom because of what he’d done to many unsuspecting and innocent people, yet she felt a smidge grateful for him since he’d been the reason to keep Ian off his intended flight. She slipped her arms around her husband’s neck. “Congrats!”

He hugged, then kissed her. Thoroughly. Right in front of their audience.

She didn’t care, laughing into his mouth. When Cal cleared his throat and the two of them broke apart, she whispered in Ian’s ear, “Meet me in our spot in ten minutes.”

His eyes flashed with lust and he winked before tearing out of her office.

She adjusted her shirt and downed the last of her drink. “Looks like I’m no longer needed here. Amelia, you have homework, I believe, and since Beatrice and Rory are both here, now would be a good time to share what you told me with them.” She gathered two of the folders and her laptop. “If you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to cook my husband a celebratory meal.”

That wasn’t all she was going to do for him. The others moved aside as she hauled the birdcage with her and headed for the door. “Lock up when you’re done.”